Depression and Various other Mentally Related illlinesses are very - TopicsExpress


Depression and Various other Mentally Related illlinesses are very Serious issues:Taking place out in Society/the World these days! It is very Obvious that,such Mentally Related Issues are not always that easy to deal with.Such a thing,is definately a Battle for those that are being effected that to others...appears to be unseen according to their point of view and because others havent experienced the same issues,they are not able to successfully understand about what such people are going through.Many of times,there Lack of:Compassion,Love,Understanding,hope,peace or such situations.And because there is much lack...Others would much Rather Ignore,jump to conclusions,condemn,shun or make fun of those effected:Rather than taking the time to seriously evaluate things first! Those Dealing with Depression and other Mentally Related Illinesses may appear to be doing just fine,make others laugh or make others day in one way or another...But,Yet Deep Down inside:There are some very Serious Issues going on! Such People are known to often put up a good front and hide behind a mask.It is so...Wrong to treat such people as in being different and/or some type of Plague! Such people are just as much Important as any one else! I can actually Relate and Identify with Robin Williams...Because Believe it or not! I deal with whats referred to as:Bi-Polar on a Daily basis too. I actually have a heart of Compassion because I have been there. Jesus is the Center of my Life though....And because of Him: I am able to remain strong! Such a Test can be turned into a Testimony for Gods Glory! I find whatever anyone may be walking through in their lives,can either Eat their lunch to the point of Defeat or they can keep on marching strong in spite of what things may appear to be! I believe that a lot of things have to do with the very mindset that we want to pursue and/or what we may have chosen to allow ourselves to believe concerning ourselves as an individual.There needs to be more Emphasis upon LOVE Love is the very foundation that sets everything else into place.Without Love,there is absolutely nothing else to Stand upon! Over and Over again....Jesus Christ Specifically Speaks about Love! Love your Neighbor as yourself,Love one Another,Love the Lord Your God with all your heart,mind soul and strength...etc.Love is unconditional.Love is not to be just because we feel like it...Loves an Action and a Mandate.Also,this is how His True Disciples will be known! Theyll be known by their Love! If we cannot Learn to Love,then What Message are we attempting to share? How we carry ourselves in the way of Character can definately say alot! It is because of such Lack of the Qualities that Jesus set the Example as that:The Various church Labels within the Body of Christ appears to be divided,conquered and Scattered.And..on a bigger scale the Vast majority of Society/the World is seen to be in constant Chaos,Disorder and Confusion.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:49:02 +0000

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