Desperados, These days marriage seem to be a calling for some, - TopicsExpress


Desperados, These days marriage seem to be a calling for some, a treasure house for some and a do or die affair for some especially for some ladies. Many are beginning to loose themselves, their esteem, worth, value and purpose because of marriage. I read a statement where the lady watches girls troop in and out of her boyfriends house and ignores it and even when they call, she gives him his phone and tells him my second is calling #laughs ..she cooks, washes, cleans and do all the domestic chores for him and pet him when he is angry over his flirtous lifestyle but bears the pain of seeing her man flirt with different women on a regular basis. Has it gotten to this? Has your life gotten a stage where youve lost your sense of reasoning all because you dont want to loose a man or because you want to get married this year? He says, wash my wash,he says pull your pull. He says, cook Oha soup and pound gladly do so, he says clean my clean without a second thought or any hold backs ,for a man who you call boyfriend? Desperation has turned you to a fool, a waste and a tissue paper soaked in water. Desperation has made you loose taste, value, essence and real beauty. Desperation has made you see wrongs as rights and abnormals as normals. Desperation has shut your ears to words of wisdom and shut your eyes to seeing reality. You have no future dreams or plans anymore because youve based your all on a man, a man who you aint even sure he will marry you, you have no push or drive in life anymore, all that matters to you is that man, a relationship and marriage. Youve built strong walls over his life that even when you are doing wrong ,it appears to be right.And when he slaps you, you say its ok. You travel miles as a woman to spend nights with a boyfriend, and give him all the benefits of a husband. What will your husband enjoy if you give out everything? What will you even enjoy in a marriage that has nothing new to show or bring to the table? Desperation will only keep misleading you and put you in a place where you are not supposed to be. Respect yourself and stop over doing things, dont tolerate what you know is evil and abnormal, what shouldnt be tolerated, say no to wrongs in your relationships; if they hate you for standing on what is right,then let it be. Dont throw yourself to the bins and put the boyfriend on a golden table. Carry and treat yourself well with some respect. Stop showing all your cooking and washing skills for a boyfriend on a daily basis, if you want to do it, do it when he is sick or on special occasions or make it like a surprise. Make him desire you and value who you are, keep somethings out of the picture of relationship for the future of marriage. A man can pretend he likes all you do, but the truth is deep down he will always prefer the woman who holds back some things and makes him feel the worth of finding a good woman. It doesnt matter how old you are, dont get desperate and throw caution to the winds. Respect yourself so your man can also accord you some respect. Marriage needs not only love but respect,and respect starts building from the days,months and years of courtship or relationship. Relationships are times to build healthy mutual friendships,study yourselves and know your likes and dislikes, give to each other the little you can and build a foundation of friendship. Dont turn relationship to marriage, everything has it time and process. Take things easy and put yourself at the top and lady everyone wants to be like. Work,get busy with other things, church,academics,social activities, personal growth,etc. Find your bearing in life as a woman and identify areas where you are relevant in this life as a woman, dont allow a man define you or give you a life before you start living. Be a plus not a minus and have a good self esteem, dignity and respect for yourself. Say no to being desperate. Author SanDee
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 08:44:29 +0000

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