Did Obama science advisor John Holdren actually call for the - TopicsExpress


Did Obama science advisor John Holdren actually call for the American government to “de-develop” the U.S. and “reduce” its population? Yes, he did. Do you support government efforts to de-develop and depopulate the U.S.? Share the facts at CFACT.org: wp.me/p39tSj-5FW On Monday the Obama administration plans to roll out one of the most destructive and useless government policies in American history -- going after CO2 emissions from existing power plants. A U.S. energy policy designed to replace efficient, affordable, abundant electricity with expensive alternatives incapable of providing for the needs of the American economy is foolish and self-destructive. It defies any rational cost-benefit analysis even when factored through the climate computer models which the administration wants us to accept on faith, and which so far have proved inaccurate. This is not rational science or economics in the true sense of those terms. Yesterday, Obama Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and Press Secretary Jay Carney announced their resignations. Should Obama science advisor John Holdren join them?
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 16:42:53 +0000

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