Different Book that i wrote a long time ago...... Chapter one - TopicsExpress


Different Book that i wrote a long time ago...... Chapter one The God does not exist I cannot Deny That my whole being cries out for a God I Cannot Forget Standing in line with several hundred other men and women, most are alone from the other people in their families are dead or transformed into the other creatures. Standing with the strangers that are being screened for the plague, Men in uniform check our eyes and take blood samples to admit us to the next stage of the process. If we are declined we are separated into a roped and gated off section to wait to either be rechecked or to be terminated. The admitted people are put into train cars to be taken to the next safe hold. Three people stand in front of me before the scanners. A young boy and his parents are screened and only the boy is admitted. The mother cries for her baby to be safe and she fights the Men in Uniform to get back to her son. I touch her arm and she looks wild eyed at me. Her grip is so tight on my arm that it almost hurts. “Protect my baby; promise you will, promise me you will.” She says in a strained voice. “I swear I will protect him with all I have.” I say to her in my best voice. “Don’t let my Sammy die!” she says to me as she is taken from the public eye. I watch as the other people are separated and some are rejected and others, the younger ones, are accepted. When it is three people away from me, I listen to the conversation. If you are older than seventeen and are a member of FEAR you are put through one door and the rest of us are all put into another one to be sorted from there. I hold my breath as I am scanned and the man nods his head. My brain knows that the separation of mother and child is wrong. “What is your name?” The man who watched the other one scan me asks suspiciously. “Peru Fearless Hail.” I say clearly and loudly. The man only laughs at me. “Your age Peru?” He asks me. “Fourteen in a half.” I say. Putting a hand on my hips and staring the man down, as he stares me down. He fails and looks away first. I continue to watch his movements with a careful eye. He shakes his head and waves a third man over to him. He whispers to the man and he nods. The Men screen my eyes and admit me into the next part of the process. The boy named Sammy shakes in my arms as I hold him close to my body. He struggles against my strong hold and his eyes are full with angry tears. We are directed to a passenger car and several other children are in it. Three boys, two other girls and a couple of mean looking kids. I hold Sammy to me as another two boys sit down. They sit on the other side of the isle and one of them shakes with anger. I touch one of his arms and he jerks away and I look at him softly and again touch his arm. This time he doesn’t jerk away or even seem to notice. “Settle down and sit down.” A man says from the front of the car, dressed in his green camouflage uniform. We all sit in our seats, I clutch Sammy to me and he still shakes for several moments before shuddering one last time and smothering his face in my side. I let him stay like this until we get halfway to the next stop. A man walks down the aisle The steady rocking of the train as it picks up speed gently rocks me into a dreamless slumber. “So what are you all called?” one of the steadier more talkative boys asks us. “Peru Fearless Hail and this is Sammy.” I tell them. “I am Jason Heart Kink, and my brother Seth, but he prefers his middle name of Topaz.” The talkative one says to us in a conversational way. I see the next stop coming up and I grab Sammy’s hand. As the train begins to slow and I open one of the doors. “What are you doing Peru?” Seth asks, piping up for the first time. “Jumping.” I say, “What FEAR made Sam’s mother and Sam go through was wrong and I am going against it. A general comes up and tells me to sit down. I move away from him and evade him each time he comes after me. When the man tries to jump onto me I act in instinct and spring away and watch him as I begin to wait him out. He becomes like a snake, an Indian cobra that is hypnotized and has a very small strike range. I keep out of the circle that he has created. From behind me another man comes up and tries to attack but I elbow him in the stomach and then kick him in the chest since he was bent over. The first guy who tried to attack me comes again and is greeted by a punch and a kick that wipes out his knees. I see the third guy coming and meet him halfway and using my feet I jump over him as he ducks from the running wild child. Only he is slow and I jump back over him and lean down to his level. I feel the vibrations from the other two men who both come after me. Just before they hit me I jump over the guy who was on the ground and they get tripped by the speed bump. I pull Sam out the door with me and we jump. Traveling home was the hardest part of the journey with the new government of Paramours. The curfew is made to get the Rebels traveling my night. CHAPTER ONE I pull out my Mobile Me and turn to channel 17. I watch in amusement as the president’s desk is shown and then he turns around and begins to direct to the general public about he knows that we must protect ourselves against the coming uprising against the new world and future they have in store for us. “We expect a battle of humanity is about to begin, within each uprising a vague sense of safety will ignite in you. In unseen shadow sliver of a doubt to those who protect and defend you, but the thoughts slip away and remain calm. Stay Close to fear. Only we can protect.” The president of Fear says to the United States. I almost laugh when his face disappears and the screen goes black. We then see a picture of the wretched and divine. And hearing Andy’s voice through the speaker. “The kingdom of god is inside you and all around you, not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and god is there, lift a stone and you will find god.” “Peru chill out.” Sara says to me as I pace back and forth across the wooden floor of the house that we now live in because our parents were either killed or taken to work at the City. Sara’s long greasy black and red hair is tied back except for her bangs; they fall in front of her face. Mine do the same thing except I keep my ponytail up and out of the way. My heart pounds so hard in my chest I am surprised that it doesn’t fall out on the floor and burst. “I can’t help imagining him in the hands of the Draculoids.” I say and continue to pace back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. “I can still hear his voice crystal clear like yesterdays breakfast.” I say to her. She smiles and pats her belly, knowing that she will never forget that breakfast of pancakes and whip cream. I made them because it was Blaze’s birthday. “That is pretty clear.” She says nodding and her voice rises in agitation. I collapse on the couch, my mind decides to blank out and knock me unconscious to save Sara from the grief. Hours pass by with no word from Jinx Iero, Jake Foster, Travis Gun and my little brother Samson who we call Blaze. Jinx is the one who thought of my parent’s old place; Jake and Travis were who all the power and water running before the City knew about it. Sara is worried about me because I have never spent more than 24 hours without Blaze at a time. He is the only family I have left in this harsh world at least as far as I know of. My sister was murdered and our parents went missing and haven’t ended up on the ghosted list yet. Our names haven’t appeared on the exterminate list so we are out of the loop. I once again close the internet and reopen it and check the list that is already live as life. I turn on the radio that is on the computer and listen to the podcast from Jet Star and Cobra Kid. Like we do every day that they post one. Opening the podcast and music bursts from the speakers. Sara and I look at each other and begin dancing around the wooden floor. Just as the door opens and I pull out my gun and point it at the intruder. The intruder happens to be Travis and I drop the gun and run into his open arms. Jake is Sara’s older brother. Jinx enters next and Jake pulls me into his warm grasp that I wrestle myself out of and pull Blaze into my arms. My heart is beating like a stone, it’s not it has gone quite silent. “Where have you been?” I ask them. Blaze rolls his eyes and walks away to go take care of business. Travis pulls me into his arms this time I accept his embrace. I wrap my arms around him and he holds me close. “Hey, Travis what happened?” I ask him keeping my voice soft and comforting. When I look into his eyes I see that they are shining and tears threaten to spill over. Travis never, ever cries not even when he fell out of the second story window and broke both his legs and an arm. I take his hand in mine and we sit on the couch. I pull him into me and we sit like this for several minutes before he finally breaks down and let’s tears slip from his eyes. I wipe them away and stroke his cheek. “The world is ugly.” He whispers and buries his face in the pillows. “But you are beautiful to me.” I whisper to him and he can’t help but smile grimly. “Really?” He asks. “Really really.” I say to him. I have walked into the kitchen and pulled open the oven, I check the bubbling cheese and overflowing aroma of lots of different cheeses and toppings. Travis gasps from behind me. As I close the oven he pulls me into him and smiles. Putting his hand under my chin and tips my head up to kiss my lips. The kiss is soft and sweet, making my heart squirm and I put my arms around him. “I needed that.” I say to him and he smiles. Our lips meet again and passion overflows my brain. “Will you get a room?” I hear Sara say from the couch where she holds Blaze who clutches the note in his fist. “I am happy right here.” Travis says and turns back to me and kisses my forehead. I smile and get back to pulling out forks and plates. Travis gets the cups and opens the oven and grabs the cheese stuffed crust and pizza piled high with a million toppings. I then head to the freezer and pull out a tub of ice cream. That’s when everyone’s heads turn and Blaze jumps up and runs into the room. “No, no wash your hands first you little savage.” I say pushing him to the bathroom. “Thanks Peru!” Sara says to me and hugs me. Jake and Jinx are nodding and look at each other and attack me with a group hug. “Now wash your hands too!” I shout over them. “Yes Peru.” They say and walk off to the bathroom. Travis has cut the pizza and Blaze has helped himself to his favorite toppings. I laugh and grab a piece for myself and put it on a plate and carry it over to the table. “Samson, no eating yet.” I say to him and he stops to look up at me and stets his pizza back onto the plate. I put the rest of the pizza on the table as the gang enters the room and sit down. Travis sits alone at the counter waiting for me as I check the list of the ghosted. I check for a new person this time. I gasp as I see Jasper’s mother on the screen, Sara and Jake’s father is on the list now. The name that really hits me in the chest and heart but not only the minds but the soul is that of Mike Lancer. The one of the best. I walk back over to the table after closing the computer. I eat my slice of pizza and then it is the time that we always have on Fridays. We all look at the list of the ghosted. I don’t bring it up since we normally forget about it. I turn on music and we all start singing along at the top of our lungs. We all end up laughing when Blaze starts dancing like a circus acrobat. He does flips and cartwheels, even the worm. Then the traffic report comes on and we all freeze, even Blaze who is standing on his hands. At the end of the podcast we all say it together. “Keep your boots tight, gun close and die with your mask on if you have to.” We say it in unison. Then it’s back to dancing. I have fallen asleep on the couch after everyone else has drifted off to bed. No dreams enter my brain, giving me peace from the nightly nightmares and terrors. Travis is shaking me awake in the morning, fear is in his eyes and I wake instantly. He drags me through the house to the computer. I feel guilt rush into my bones and guts. “Why did you check this last night?” He demands I take a step back from him. “Why not, I do every day.” I say and step back again. “Well they have us tracked down. Look we are on the exterminate list.” He says as fear and anger grips me so tightly I can barely breathe. He sees the fear in my eyes and body language and his anger turns around and he grabs me and pulls me into a tight embrace. “They are coming for us now.” He says and I punch him in the gut, he lets go of me instantly. “What the hell was that for?’ he asks me. “You pick.” I say as I run through the hall and pull on my jacket, and grab my bag of essentials and grab the computer but Travis grabs it from me. “It is how they are finding us.” He says and I release it. “Let go of me!” I scream at him, and he lets go and puts his hands up in surrender. “Everyone else is outside.” Travis says to me. I can hear the explosions, the planes that drop the bombs down seeming to be raining. I can smell the smoke that fills the city as it burns. Everyone runs franticly around looking for loved ones. I am one of them; only I look for only two people. My feet pound against the hard ground of the city. I feel arms, strong and powerful wrap them around me. The arms of Travis, he has always been the one to protect me.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:48:54 +0000

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