District #2 and its Representative. Comrades, fellow kowtows, - TopicsExpress


District #2 and its Representative. Comrades, fellow kowtows, militants and respectable veterans, I brought you greeting from the concern students Community, under the umbrella of Doliakeh . From history in Nimba, division have not been our first option in any situation; nor the way forward of solving problems. This is the first of its kind to have a division among the students of District #2, a division that was amalgamated, devised, and established by Hon. Prince O.S Tokpah and some of his disciples ‘, inheriting the name from a tyranny leadership called Progressive Students In Defense of Hon. Prince O. S. Tokpah. The cardinal reasons why we voted our representative in 2011 were all about good representation, good representation that entailed ; advocacy, conducting a peaceful investigation in term of problems within the district, making laws for and in the interest of the people, devising a strategies that will improve the living standard of his citizens, using the social development funds wisely, and to adequately and tremendously give a legislative report to his citizens, but it have turned on the opposite where Hon Prince O.S Tokpah had refused to understands the modus operandi of a representative or a lawmaker. As an electorate, since Hon. Prince O.S Tokpah can go as far as creating division among the students at the various Universities; especially the University of Liberia, The students who are referred to as the future generation, and if he can be the one to segment or fragment the them with the amount of one thousand united states dollars ($1000.00USD), and two thousand Liberian dollars ($2000.00LD) to speak and debunk any developmental oriented statement from the mouth of any constructive activist. As a student, I believed that the aims and objectives of the Progressive students In Defense of Hon. O.S Tokpah (P. S.H. T) are to strangulate, repress, and barricade all developmental activities of District #2; moreover, I believe with the courage and affirmation from the Progressive Students In Defense Hon. Tokpah , I have doubt that within a nearby future, he has the ability to divide; Sehyi , Gboah, Yahpea, and Garr for his own political gain, as he had done to the Students. Comrades, I prayed that my constructive engagement with help to eliminate the proliferation of divisions in the hands of Hon. Tokpah and his disciples’. And those comrades, who received one thousand united states dollars ($1000.00USD) to be a part and act in accordance with the aims and objectives of a camp called progressive Students In Defense of Hon. Prince O. S Tokpah, I will not in any way hold you responsible, because where we are right now everyone is in need of money, but not to get money and speak against the district, because constructive engagement will help to strengthen our representative, so as to improve on those developmental activities that he has started making. One of my famous Philosophers said, ‘’ It is very difficult for any man to thinks nobly, when he only thinks of earning a living’’. And let me cleared to everybody within District #2; that people who will be in a serious error hereby considering District #2 as an elephant meat, that I will remain tremendously, assiduously and diligently rebut and defiance to the entire process for the interest of District #2. I strongly believed that it is remarkable developments that speak for any politician; Comrades, please stay away, and allow all of Hon. Prince O.S Tokpah achievements to speak in defense of him, and not few students. Comrades, it is often sound better to say, ‘’Progressive Students In Defense of District #2, than Progressive Students In Defense of Hon. Prince O. S Tokpah’’ . Respectable and assault men and women of District #2 Nimba County, with due respect I submit. Please Leave your comment below. Respectfully yours; Nuakeh Korto Karway Concern Student District # 2
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:15:44 +0000

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