Divide and Conquer Washington past immigration reform Five - TopicsExpress


Divide and Conquer Washington past immigration reform Five million people out of an estimated 11 million, who enter America, are now on the way to citizenship. Or are they let us take a constitutional look at are new immigration law. 5 million people now should come out of the shadows voluntarily in an undetermined time frame and register with immigration where they will be given work visas Social Security numbers so they can pay taxes along with any back taxes they owe the American people in the last 5 to 10 years which the IRS will never be able to collect the government will have no way of knowing how long they been living in America where they been working and will our government fine the employees who prayed them. This money will never be collected. Washington also will fine each person that registering with immigration an undetermined amount of money is it $10 dollars or $10,000 dollar no one knows. Why would an undocumented worker want to come out of the shadows register with immigration there name and address. Only to paying on determining the amount of money in back taxes and fines many who work for minimum wage would now will owe the government tens of thousands of dollars with no guarantee of citizenship. The American flag now comes with a price tag if you can pay the money you could be an American regardless of how you alive here either buys land by sea or buy air freedom comes at a price as longer willing to pay. Unless a republican president wins the White House in 2016 reversing this decision there is a 50% chance of citizenship for some 5 million possibly 10 years down the road now that immigration know your name and your address and you social security number you may still be deported. But they will be allowed to work and have 27% of their income taxed even though there are not citizens they have no right to vote or to have their voices heard in Congress in short that are as illegal now as they were before or new immigration policy. With the exception they can use our schools and hospitals and work pay taxes without any benefits of the American dream except they cannot be deported for three years unless I commit a felony after a background check. Under the existing immigration law if a felony is committed they must serve their time and be deported any way so this hasn’t changed. What has changed is an estimated two billion dollars in revenue the government would receive if all 5 million immigrants go forward and register a filing fee. This sound promising much like the mafia would do in 1920s where you would have to pay the mafia extortion money for protection instead of the mafia you pay big brother with no guarantees or rights to an American dream much like union dues 27% of your income must now be paid to big brother to ensure you’re not deported with no benefits or guarantees. This is not immigration law this is blackmail done at the highest level of government that is taking avenge of undocumented workers. The same laws Washington accuses employees of breaking Washington is buying the votes of undocumented workers with no guarantee all citizenship Mussolini would not been able to do this better. During the Clinton administration the Star investigation into the inappropriate affairs of Bill Clinton during his administration kept his composure and his focus on keeping your country together this act is nothing more than revenge against the Republican Party that says I will not allow you to pass immigration reform unless you give amnesty to 5 million people. This is nothing more than a teenager shoplifting in a store to see what they can get away with as they move on to bigger and better things. And although Washington is deliberately bringing more attention to South America I would really like to know the breakdown on immigration how many are coming across our borders from Syria Pakistan Iran and Iraq and the continent of Africa and also passports in Europe I do not know of any Mexicans flying planes in to buildings? Why immigration is such a sensitive subjects they’re will be an estimated $20,000,000,000,000 debt by 2016 America rapidly becoming a third world nation who can afford to pay their bills or maintain a lifestyle for which we become accustomed to. Workers no longer get paid holidays vacations and healthcare plans for their employees due to the fact most Americans only working 30 a week and if that’s not available they’re working two part time jobs with no benefits. As keep continually rising. To try to put this in perspective if the American System would go back to the gold standard with old averaging $2000 per ounce America would need 400,000,000 pounds of gold to back a $20,000,000,000,000 debt or 55 oil tankers equaling to 11,000,000 tons. There are one trillion barrels of oil in the oil sands of Canada that waiting for Washington to approve our refineries and supertankers to ship oil worldwide and push oil prices down on a world market. This not only puts money in the American pockets as four million tankers or shipping oil worldwide we will be reducing terrorism by slowing down profit from Arab Oil. Since 911 we have spent 18 trillion dollars on this war of terrorism as we continue nation building in countries like Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan and now Iran with hope of some type of nuclear agreement. As Washington debate more oil benefiting the terrorist in a war that will go way beyond this administration. Allmerica is right we should think about or children when most Americans are losing their homes in a job market that doesnt even pay a living wage. One most Americans are being strangled by taxes and debt its time we the people secure or way of life or finances and are American dreams. After spiraling into 18 trillion dollar debt nation building halfway around the world and 14 years its time to secure or borders in a country that has a 50% divorce rate over a third of single family households struggling on one income. We are now to look into a problem that was caused by no fault of our own knows asking people to travel to America theyd done this on their own yet now theyre asking America to take on this burden. What was the executive action signed last week in short there are an estimated 11 million illegal people living in America knowingly broke are laws and the government doesnt have the money the resources or Manpower to investigate each and every one of them at a time when terrorism is at a all time high we should just close your eyes roll the dice and take a chance. We will fix on immigration problem by not enforcing immigration because the republicans refuse to act on a bill. And now that we can no longer secure our borders every 10 years we will have a statute of limitations on any one that disobeys immigration law. Needless to say no one from Canada is entering America to escape corruption the drug wars or poverty and yet for some 200 years Mexico has been on the border as we continue to spend 18 trillion dollars nation building halfway around the world in countries hostile to America or the 16 billion we gave Haiti during their natural disaster it is inconceivable to spend a few billion dollars to improve schools and education repair water supply roads and understructure as American corporations to invest in business structure tapping into the natural gas and oil and other manufacturing that Mexico has to offer that will help improve their living standards more comparable to America instead we would rather install a 12 foot fence along the border reinforced are National Guard as a drug cartel and corruption runs rampant in Mexico feeding America’s hunger for a cheap high. If we want to fix immigration we first need to secure our borders including airports waterways and land repair and rebuild Mexico which is the southern part Of the United States complete the fence and checkpoints on the border and improve passport security. Then Congress needs to work on a pathway to citizenship through opened negotiation.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:39:12 +0000

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