Do not ask the Awliya Allah about what they see through their - TopicsExpress


Do not ask the Awliya Allah about what they see through their hearts But busy yourself in purifying your heart and soul from ego Then you will see what the Awliya see through their hearts. ~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (Moharram 5, 1395AH - ) [In Bahasa] Jangan tanyakan kepada para Wali Allah tentang apa-apa yang mereka lihat melalui kalbu mereka Tapi sibukanlah dirimu dengan mensucikan kalbu dan jiwamu dari ego Maka engkau akan melihat apa yang Wali Allah lihat melalui kalbunya. ~ Yos Wiyoso Hadi (5 Muharam 1395H - ) Allah said, Truly, the heavens and the earth were too weak to contain Me, but the soft, humble heart of my believing slave contains Me. ~ Hadith Qudsi People are asleep as long as they are alive; they are awakened when they (their ego) die. ~ Sayyiduna Shah e-Mardan Ali Ibn Abi Talib (karamullahu wajah wa radiyAllahu anhu) Their likeness (of those who are not spiritually awake) is as the likeness of one who kindled a fire; then, when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darkness. (So) they could not see. They are (spiritually) deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Spiritual Right Path). ( Surat Al-Baqarah verse 17-18 ) Tabarani has related from Abu Utbah al-Khawlaanee (r) from RasulAllah (SWS) that, Truly, Allah has vessels from amongst the people of the earth, and the vessels of your Lord are the hearts of his righteous slaves, and the most beloved of them to Him are the softest and most tender ones. ~ Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu alayhi wa-sallam, Al-Albani rates this hadith mentioned as Hasan [Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir, no. 2163; Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Sahihah, no. 1691] Narrated Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu, reported that Allahs Apostle (SWS) said, If you knew (through the third eye/Ajna) that which I know you would laugh little and weep much. ~ Sayyidina Muhammad (SWS) [Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 492] The vision of the eye is limited; the vision of the heart (third eye) transcends all barriers of time and space. ~ Shah e-Mardan Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (karamullahu wajah wa radiyAllahu anhu) Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari (r) passed by the Prophet (SWS) who asked him, How are you this morning, O Harith? and he replied, This morning I am a true believer in Allah. The Prophet (SWS) said: Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief? He said: I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other. The Prophet (SWS) said, O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it. Some versions add, (This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined. ~ Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu alayhi wa-sallam [Recorded by Tabarani in his Mujam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367), Qudai (Musnad Shihab, 2:127 #1028), Abu Nuaym (Hilya, 1:242), Bazzar (Zawaid, 1:26 #32), Ibn Abi Shayba in his Musannaf (7:226-27) and his Kitab al-Iman (#114-115), Abdur-Razzaq (11:129 #20114), Imam Bayhaqi in his Shuab al-Iman (7:362-63) and Kitab az- Zuhd (p. 355 #971), Ibn Mubarak in Kitab az-Zuhd (p. 106 #316), Ibn Asakir (38:274, 54:227-28), Hakim Tirmidhi (Asl #6, #21, #53, #57, #265), al-Askari in his Amthal, Ibn Mandah, Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad (#444), Abu Abdur-Rahman Sulami (Forty Hadiths, #10), and others, and also mentioned by Abu Hanifa (Fiqh al-Akbar), Ibn Hajar (Isaba, #1480), and Haythami in his Majma (1:57)] And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it. And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness (of the ego) and its righteousness (of the egolessness), Indeed he succeeds who purifies it (the soul) And indeed he fails (to use the spiritual eye/third eye, spiritual hearing and the other spiritual powers) who corrupts it (by following the ego). ( Ash-Shams verse 7-10 ) [ Yusuf (Joseph) said: ] And I free not myself (from the blame). Verily, the (human) soul is inclined to evil (following their ego not Gods will), except when my Lord bestows His Mercy (upon whom He wills). Verily, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. ( Surat Yusuf verse 53 ) And to Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn yourselves or your faces there is the Face of Allah. Surely! Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. ( Surat Al-Baqarah verse 115 ) ameen
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 08:21:53 +0000

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