Do u ever feel a tug in your spirit?? I mean a Holy tug??? I feel - TopicsExpress


Do u ever feel a tug in your spirit?? I mean a Holy tug??? I feel something good is about to happen and I really feel the nudge of the hand of the Lord pushing me to get real and to get closer than Ive ever been before. You know life wants to pull you in the opposite direction of the course that God has for u. Thats all part of Satans plan to keep us busy in things that dont promote spiritual growth. You may say I have too much junk or Ive gone too far. GOD DOESNT WANT ME!!! That couldnt be any further from the truth. Thats Satan talking trash in your head. Tell him to shut up and get behind you. As I was cleaning out my ridiculously overgrown flowerbeds the other day I really think God was dropping little tidbits of information into my spirit. Here I was down on my knees pulling at the overgrown weeds one step at a time thinking when I get through it will look so much better. As I was doing that I really felt like God was telling me that is the same way it is with us when we give our hearts and lives to Him. One step at a time the overgrowth of sin is removed and once all the trash is removed His beauty is revealed. What an amazing thought. Profound but so simple. Just like my flower bed once cleaned out it may not stay clean. It takes work. Will we make mistakes? Of course because were human. Is our life over once we do make a mistake?? No just get down on your knees and ask God to purify u once again!! Just like the flower bed-- maintenence is key!!! And just like I tell Kaylee. Your bedroom is.much easier to clean if u clean it up when the mess is first made. Dont wait until the clutter hides the beauty of your bedroom. Tackle it daily. Also another profound thought that I think God wanted me to hear the other day: I was spraying my rose bushes to keep the bugs from killing them. Of course I bumped into a couple of the thorns and I immediately thought of how something so beautiful has something so ugly too. Even a beautiful rose has imperfections. We want everything in life to be a bed of roses but with those roses comes thorns!!! So what does that mean?? Simply this-----we are not perfect if we were we wouldnt need our Heavenly Father! So whats the moral of this story today??? Be happy in who God made YOU!!! He loves us all knowing of our mistakes!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! Love u all!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:58:58 +0000

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