Do we get rid of bad public officials, bad laws and bad policies, - TopicsExpress


Do we get rid of bad public officials, bad laws and bad policies, by doing the following 10 things?: 1. Punching on the keyboard with gripes and rants?: 2. Sending nice little requests to your public officials, asking him to change?: 3. Just trotting to the polls every so often and voting?: 4. Fussing about a bad law after it passes, because you were not paying attention?: 5. Trying to get everything to be perfect, even if you dont know what perfect should be?: 6. Trying to replace a bad law or policy, but dont know what to replace it with?: 7. Chasing and believing every prattle story out there, thats put out by the deceitful and dishonest?: 8. Just doing your own “thing”, having fun and not getting involved in whats going on?: 9. Listening to the establishment, when they promise you forty acres and a brown mule for your vote?: 10. Sitting on your rump with the attitude that “Well, thats the way things have always been?: Do the 10 and continue to get the shaft: We get good people in office and good legislation by paying attention, finding out what your legislator is voting for or not voting for, letting the people who elect him/her know when he supports a bad law or refuses to support a good one, rallying behind good people and good legislation, put together and support petitions for good legislation, go face to face with your local legislator on good or bad legislation, dont pat your legislator on the back when he/she votes right because thats what their job is, and most of all “make them HURT” if they dont do right. >> HURT == Expose them for what they are. Inefficient and wasteful people with your funds and your rights as a citizen.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 01:34:02 +0000

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