Do you have a quest for knowledge? An appetite to learn more? I - TopicsExpress


Do you have a quest for knowledge? An appetite to learn more? I remember times, growing up, when I would just sit down with a dictionary or encyclopedia and flip through it looking for new words or things that were unfamiliar to me. As I was cleaning the kitchen this evening, an unfamiliar word that Id heard recently came to mind: op·u·lent /ˈäpyələnt/ adjective adjective: opulent 1. ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. the opulent comfort of a limousine synonyms: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, lavish, lavishly appointed, rich, splendid, magnificent, grand, grandiose, fancy; informal: plush, classy, ritzy, posh, swanky, swank his opulent home • copious, abundant, profuse, prolific, plentiful, luxuriant; literary plenteous her opulent red hair antonyms: spartan, stark, ascetic, sparse, thin • wealthy. his more opulent tenants synonyms: wealthy, rich, affluent, well off, well-to-do, moneyed, prosperous, of means, of substance; informal: well-heeled, rolling in money/dough, rolling in it, loaded, stinking/filthy rich, made of money, in clover, (living) on easy street; datedin the chips an opulent family antonyms: penniless, poor, impoverished
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:56:53 +0000

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