Do you know the different varieties of dates? - TopicsExpress


Do you know the different varieties of dates? directoalpaladar/ingredientes-y-alimentos/conoces-las-diferentes-variedades-de-datiles The date is a very special fruit with unique characteristics. Are usually considered part of the group of dry fruits such as grapes and prunes or dried apricots, but the truth is that the dates ripen and dry on the plant itself. Nutritionally it is a very interesting product, do you know the different varieties? I admit it took me a while to appreciate the value of dates. I remember I was always home at Christmas dates, and although my parents loved me I did not decide to give them a chance. Luckily, I later found its gastronomic value and learned that different varieties can give much play in the kitchen. Soft, semi-dry and dry A generic way to classify types of dates is in terms of texture and consistency. The different varieties and their maturity periods offer different features, which also affect the final taste. Are soft, semi-dry and dry dates. Broadly speaking, the softer or tender dates are sweeter and contain more sugar, but generally all mature varieties of this fruit have a very high percentage, about 80% sugars. Therefore, they are a great source of energy to be high in calories, but less than other dried fruits. Deglet Noor, dates of birth This range of dates is one of the most sold worldwide. It has a slightly wrinkled skin smooth and shiny, light and slightly translucent shades. It is firmer than other meat tender but dates, semi dry, not too sweet. The Deglet Noor is very appreciated for its intermediate characteristics, and that can be eaten fresh or used in preparing both savory and sweet dishes recipes. Its flavor is balanced with aromas of nuts and honey. By not presenting a very high humidity is also a fruit that keeps well for a long time without refrigeration. Medjool, the sweetest The Medjool date palm is one of the most prized for their size and flavor, as their specimens can reach more than 5 cm in length. It is extremely sweet and very moist, tender and juicy. At its optimum maturity has a very dark, wrinkled and very soft to the touch, so that even the skin is easily desprede skin. These dates are most commonly used for baking and making different sweets. By having such a tender and moist meat, without the usual crush bone to obtain a paste that can replace sugar or honey in certain preparations. Its flavor has hints of toast, with hints of caramel. Khadrawy This range of dates is somewhat smaller than the above but also more juicy. The interior flesh is very soft and very sweet, with a flavor that may remind honey as the fruit has matured. The moisture inside contrasts with the overlying skin. When the jujube has matured well, the skin is dark tone and texture becomes dry and brittle, like thick paper. Halawy The Halawy jujube is another small caliber and offers a much softer and delicate skin. This fruit at optimum ripeness, has a sweet taste more reminiscent of candy to butter toast flavors typical of other dates. It is not an easy to find but is perhaps the most recommended to taste the natural, thanks to its lighter texture. Meat is pasty, creamy, almost melts in the mouth. It is very similar to the variety Hadrawi. Barhi This is one of the most difficult to find dates on the market outside of their production regions, and usually consumed while still fresh, before the ripening process and natural drying presenting other varieties of dates. Is collected when you make a firm skin and a pale yellow color, and is sold and consumed in a few weeks. The Barhi date-you can eat fresh thanks to its low tannin content. In this state is of firm texture and crispy skin, almost like an apple. To let it ripen to air it gets more tender and juicy, but never reaches the level of sweetness typical of other varieties. Its flavor is reminiscent of spices like cinnamon or coconut. Mozafati It is one of the many varieties produced in Iran, unique to this land. Also known as jujube Bam, in honor of the city of the same name of the region where it is grown. It is a not very large dates, more flat, rounded shape with a colo very dark and shiny skin, almost black. It is one of the best preserved dates natural for long periods of time, up to two years, without losing practically their qualities. Zahidi The Zahidi variety is ideal for those seeking a date not too sweet. This fruit has dried fruit aromas, with hints of peanut slightly recalling the apricots and apricot. Being less sweet is also firmer flesh. Its less juicy texture makes it the perfect jujube to cut and chop and add to savory dishes, for example salads or baked goods. Not very suitable for use as a sweetener because it is difficult to crush because its driest profile. These are just some of the varieties known and most exported worldwide dates, as there are many more different types. It must be a pleasure to walk through markets of producing countries and try different freshly picked dates. Do you like dates? Do you think they are less valued than other dried fruit like?
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:21:38 +0000

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