Do you speak, think and act in FEAR and in LACK?! Are you always - TopicsExpress


Do you speak, think and act in FEAR and in LACK?! Are you always worrying about money, about debt, about what you DONT have and what you CANT do!? Does the idea of making money doing something you love seem crazy, unattainable, dare I say it, even WRONG?! HELL NO IT ISNT!!!! NOT ONE BIT!!!!!! SUCCESS is doing what you love to do and getting paid for it! SOoooo.... STOP RIGHT NOW and read this if this sounds like you. I am watching this amazing speech from Les Brown called Recondition Your Mind for Success.. and I feel compelled to share this TRUTH and this is a truth we are all scared of because the government, society and everything in this world has made it TABOO... well screw that, Im putting out out here for you. NEVER say I am broke, say I am overcoming a monetary issue! Let me tell you what money does; 1. It gives you control over your life! 2. It gives you OPTIONS. 3. It allows you to live a life of contribution! To contribute to things you feel strongly about. How to generate wealth: 1. Be willing to do the things today that other people wont do in order to have the things tomorrow that others wont have. 2. Make discipline a major force in your life! 3. Make it OKAY to fail! Do not let the fear of failure outweigh your desire to succeed. ANYTHING THAT IS WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING BADLY... until you get it right! 4. KNOWLEDGE! Grow in knowledge! What knowledge do you have that people will pay for? 5. TALENT - what talent do you have that people will pay for? 6. WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO DO!? Explore that and figure out how to get paid for it! 7. HAVE FAITH!!! Act on whatever your dream is! 8. You dont have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great! 9. It is your RIGHT to be an uncommon & be the amazing person YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:29:07 +0000

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