Does Heathenry as a culture promote the competitiveness and - TopicsExpress


Does Heathenry as a culture promote the competitiveness and egotism that have become a stereotype for us, or do you think it simply attracts those who innately have those qualities through its emphasis on self-reliance, strength, and the oft-misinterpreted warrior mentality? Or is it a sociological response to not having a clearly defined pecking order or hierarchy, that people feel the need to try to feel out their place in the food chain? I ask because a running theme I have noticed over the last decade or so is a noticeable increase in chest-thumping and dick-measuring when members of the community interact, whether in person, online, or passive-aggressively through mentions in writing, books, blogs, interviews, etc., as well as a tendency for people to be less tolerant of those with slightly different interpretations of our beliefs. TL;DR: Why do so many people sound like this song? https://youtube/watch?v=Muj26g3eugU
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 15:42:15 +0000

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