Does anyone besides me out there battle Fear? I am embarking upon - TopicsExpress


Does anyone besides me out there battle Fear? I am embarking upon a major life and career change, so Fear and Twy are going toe to toe about now. There are over 4,000 kinds of Fear. Fear is at the root of most disease. The Bible mentions Fear 365 times. Most importantly, the recurring Biblical theme is that entertaining and agreeing with Fear is a sin, and disobedience toward God. Secondly, the Word tells us that Fear is a Spirit. GOD has not given us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love, and Sound Mind. (2 Tim 1:7) Its an evil entity existing outside of you, which bombards your thought life, messes up your relationships, and steals your future. Fear is satans attempt to overthrow Gods plan for your life. It will jibber-jabber at you, never shutting up, and will trick you into believing the destructive thoughts it inserts into your tired brain are coming from you. They are NOT!! KNOW your enemy. You cannot defeat him unless you know his nature, know how he fights. This is a Spirit that needs a human body to manifest its evil nature through. Dont let it use yours!! We are commanded by the Word to take every THOUGHT captive, and we are to use our God-given discernment to separate evil thoughts from our lives so they dont cause us to sin. Worry is a component of Fear. It is a belief that God wont answer your prayers, or He wont move quickly enough. Faith is the only thing that defeats fear. Ephesians 3:20-21 New King James 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. BELIEVE!!!! Believe God is for you, not against you! Faith conquering Fear is like walking to the edge of a big cliff, seeing nothing but invisible space, leaping off, and believing God will catch you, feeling PEACE as the air rushes around you! Look Fear in his ugly face, and shout at him YOU, sir, are a nasty LIAR, and have no part in me! I serve the living God, who defeated you at the cross, and you are DONE! AMEN!! For those of you who really get what I am saying about this fear/faith thing..... Id love you to consider praying for me! I am garnering up the moxie to totally EMBRACE FAITH and cast out Fear --- !! I have been a technical writer in DFW for over 16 years. Its a rather boring living, and it doesnt make my soul thrive. My career stalled a couple years ago, and I cant seem to make it restart. Now, I want to totally transition into writing for Gods kingdom. I am attempting to cash out what little is left of my retirement, move to my family property in the Ozarks, start a greenhouse partnering with my brother so we can generate an income, build an alternative house from mud, straw, harvested wood, and recycled materials, and bask in the peace of the beautiful Ozarks to write anything God lays on my heart...... That is, when I am not building, harvesting or canning produce, or taking care of my goats and rabbits! The long, snowy winters there should provide ample time for my creative juices to flow and whip up a pleasing array of artful word projects. When my husband passed a few years ago, my creativity seemed to die, and I prayed God would resurrect it. I feel that resurrection happening more and more, the closer I get to my dream. These dry bones are starting to RATTLE, people!! Step aside, outta the way, cuz they will be crazily dancing soon! For me, this is a HUGE, life changing leap. Do I know for sure it will work, in the natural?? NO. I dont. But the God I serve can make it work -- if I dont listen to Fear trying to convince me it will fail! I wouldnt have come up with this plan if God had not started to mysteriously open some doors, and shut others!! There is no coincidence in the Kingdom of GOD!! I intend to prove that God is faithful and true to take care of His little daughter, Twy!! Even though she is not an uber-spiritual, perfect Christian, popular, beautiful, or madly sought after by mankind, God knows exactly what is going on with her, and His hand is on her life. He will guide her with His eye in spite of all the shortcomings man says she has! This will be the biggest adventure I have ever embarked on, and I am feeling excitement overcoming that nasty fear already! AMEN!!!! The end of my rainbow is right over the Horizon!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 18:38:36 +0000

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