Dont Live On Or Off A Plan… Just Live! Remember this weekend - TopicsExpress


Dont Live On Or Off A Plan… Just Live! Remember this weekend to eat the same on Saturday & Sunday as you do Monday - Friday. Its best to aim for never feeling deprived because the more deprived you feel, the more likely you are to binge later. Be the detective not the dieter, even on the weekends, so you can keep your head as satisfied as your stomach. Here are 5 Simple Tips / Fat Loss Tools from one of our blogs you can try :) Enjoy your Weekend! 1) Starch OR booze, not both. Some would call this too “moderate” or not strict enough, but we know that at a family gathering, asking you to abstain from everything will have you going overboard the next time it’s in front of you. The more you deprive, the more you crave, period. So choose: will you drink (at a 2 glass max) or will you indulge in a single serving of starch (i.e. mashed potatoes or a roll)? You get into the most trouble when you do both–a recipe for fat storage. And though this role won’t have you dropping fat, it at least will not put fat on you. This is one of our “maintain” rules. 2) Choose protein, fat or veggie-centric apps. Cheese plate. Wings. Antipasti. Raw veggies. Spinach dip (no chips!). Salad. Choose apps (and sides for that matter) that don’t contain a lot of starch. So skip chips, bread, potato-anything, etc. You can feel just as satisfied with apps that aren’t heavy starch–or at least not as heavy. The goal is to feel satiated, not deprived. And by making this choice, we can achieve that without affecting our waistline as much. 3) Three big bites of dessert. Once again, this is a rule for when you are at dinners and parties (not in between). If you want dessert, look at the desserts available with a critical eye. The WORST feeling is indulging in a dessert that sucks. So be mindful to choose the one you want most. And if none look good, skip it altogether. Have a discerning palate when it comes to dessert :) Then, eat 3 bites only. How big is a bite? I don’t care, just stop at 3. More than anything, this is a practice in mindfulness and also moderation. I guarantee you’ll be just as satisfied with 3 huge bites as you will with the whole thing. Besides, usually we barely taste it after the first couple bites anyway. AND, eating a small amount of something you are craving satisfies the craving, rather than depriving to the point of eventual severe overindulgence. You can also play “Dessert Defense” like I do, and bring with me a cleaner dessert that I baked, so that I know that at the very least I’ll have at least one thing I can eat, and still feel satisfied with. 4) Pre-meal weights and post-meal walk. Get it in people. If you don’t work out any other day of the week, fit in a quality weight training workout on the day of a big meal. Usually within a couple hours of an event is best. This way, when you eat more carbs/cals than usual, those macros and cals will preferentially move toward muscle-building, rather than strictly fat storage. Your cells are most insulin sensitive following an intense weight workout, so make the best of it. Also, talk a leisure walk after dinner if possible. This helps use some of the cals eaten and also gives you some time between dinner and dessert to reset yourself. This is strictly caloric exercise. Slow, easy walking for 30-60 minutes. 5) Prioritize water. After a big meal or party where you might be doing booze, starch or dessert, drink a liter of plain water before bed. Extra cals, carbs, booze and sodium can make you retain water (duh!), but drinking water can help offset some of that. It’s not a miracle pill, and it certainly doesn’t help us lose fat, but it can decrease the damage by helping our metabolism run more effectively, and balancing electrolytes so that we’re less likely to retain. I try to drink at least 3 liters of plain, regular water every day. And on days of a big meal or party, I drink another liter right before bend after the meal. Yes, you might have to wake up to use the bathroom, but the benefits outweigh the inconvenience, I believe.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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