Dont be afraid to ask for does not make you weak, less - TopicsExpress


Dont be afraid to ask for does not make you weak, less competent, independent, or worthy....I promise. I recently got into a bit of a head funk when it came to some business stuff...the kind of stuff that I have little knowledge or experience with, but know that I need to know! Now, Im not afraid of a bit of research, so I figured it would be something I could work through alone, something I am more than capable of doing myself..and I am, except, Ill be plant food by the time Ive navigated through it all, and I dread to think how many fluff-ups I would have made that would have seriously impacted me reaching my goals. Thing is, there are GENUINE experts in their field that have been there, done, it made the mistakes, got the T-shirt...and they are on this planet to help others not to make the same mistakes they did. They are here to pay it forward and genuinely want to help you solve whatever has you wired with worry at 2am.... ..but damn, its difficult to ask them for help at times! It went against every grain of my independent (stubborn? :)) streak to reach out for help, to a person that has been right at my fingertips for pretty much all my life. Why did I resist? I felt like I would be a burden, I felt like I was being dumb, I felt like I was, in some way, weak or not good enough. I felt like I was letting myself down by admitting I needed help. Really silly, but really real! Today, I am thankful (very) for making that first contact, for reaching out to just say hey, can I get your advice on this... how simple is that? When I did it, I felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted, I felt energised, hopeful, motivated, positive and liberated...all after a quick chat with someone who knew what it was like to be there and, more importantly, how to move forward. So, if you have a problem, PLEASE dont feel like you have to go it they say in my home country in the NE of England...shy bairns get nowt...and, in the words of the Four Tops...Darlin, reach out...Ill be there! PS you can thank me for the ear virus when we chat next;)
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 05:55:02 +0000

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