Dont blame the government because the hand out they offer is not - TopicsExpress


Dont blame the government because the hand out they offer is not enough to support your I PHONE Gucci habit ! Dont blame some one else about your love life when you yourself dont know how to love. Dont blame your doctor for the health problems he cant cure when you are poisoning your own body with cigarets and unhealthy eating. Dont blame your saviour when the only time you seek his appreciation is on a Sunday morning for an hour and a half. Blame yourself for finding excuses. Blame yourself for teaching your children the same bad habits that caused your failures in life ! You govern your self and your home. Successful people seek advice, they recognize early in life that they are responsible for them and those they bring into this world. Millions of single mothers have raised successful children all alone. Millions of single fathers have raised gentleman..and young ladies ! You are not an exception to the rule ! YOU CHOSE TO FAIL.. You chose to fail while others have struggled to become successful. When you get a dollar, you spend it on yourself. When you have the opportunity to give back to the less fortunate, you hoard. You refuse to take advice. You refuse to break the endless cycle of landing on your face. YOU..... This is my epic quote. I am far from a success... but I struggle, just like my bean picking parents did to give my children a better life.. some where down the line.. my blood line will be successful.. not by being selfish, not by taking a hand out, not by finding the almighty in their hearts.. but by one day being the ones that can change the life of another for the greater good of society as a whole. When you have nothing... offer your time... when you have everything... offer what you have, that you survived without when you had nothing... Joey !~
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:02:30 +0000

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