Dont really stay up to date on facebook but here is a solid - TopicsExpress


Dont really stay up to date on facebook but here is a solid rant. One thing that really gets me is how our nation is in debt and we are quick to point fingers at politicians. However as the people of this free country we have allowed this tremendous spending. With a defense budget resembling one of a global conquest. From 1991 until our present day catastrophe on 9/11 our budget was on a downfall from 400 Billion almost down to 300 Billion. However since that event we have allowed ourselves to go on a stupendously steep up rise, growing to half a Trillion over the last 5 years repeatedly. What really strikes me is that this is our “Defense” budget something to protect the homelands, However I don’t see many soldiers stomping around our street protecting our people, I see them in different nations effecting international way of life. That seems a little more of “Offence” to me. But in all the best offence is a great defense. But a defense whose budget has continually grown to fight a war against an enemy whose most effective weapon is a car that they blow up using explosives that can be purchased off the internet. Again not only are the car bombs their most effect weapon but I don’t see any cars in the US blowing up and killing multiple people. Brings me back to the difference between offence and defense. Well of course we lose more lives over seas than we do back home, that’s because we are over there trying to change the world. Last I checked we are a single nation with our own declaration of independence that means our laws apply in our own land, not in every nation across the globe. Still we try to play world police and save all the sheep, the hard truth of life is you cant save all the sheep because if you did what would the wolves eat? This world is a functioning ecosystem one that has been that way for millions and millions of years. Just because one nation has the money and the firepower to rule them all doesn’t give them the right to. That is the base cause of failures in society. Especially ours, wrapped up in foreign affairs fighting on lands that are not ours against an enemy who has the defense budget less than some high paid athletes or actors of our nation. There has to be something beneficial coming from all of this however the public is not the ones seeing it. The pockets of politicians and generals are. Then to have our news littered with death and despair, fear and fraudulent stories, cast on national networks to keep the sheep in line and feeding into this same pot of lies. It seems that a large amount of our budget is going into recruiting these kids such as myself but not for a sole purpose besides to control more bodies, like pawns in chess. We have in our budget to pay upfront $20,000 to anyone who is willing to sign a paper and his or her life away to this masochistic life sized chessboard. I’m not saying that joining the forces is a bad thing and I support those people who are fighting for our rights daily, they are the average man. Not a man sitting behind the row of pawns using them as indispensables fro his financial pleasure. Who are the ones really benefiting from all of this is the question? Our nation of freedom is losing freedom daily, has a substantial debt that may never be able to be paid off due to our excessive spending where not needed and our lethargic and greedy corporations who import most of our goods to save a dollar of their own but cut deep at the working man, the true American. I forgot what being a proud American was like maybe someday I can say I am one. Happy Monday
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:05:39 +0000

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