Don’s Daily Parable-Get A New Key Made-7/22/2013 I think just - TopicsExpress


Don’s Daily Parable-Get A New Key Made-7/22/2013 I think just about all cars have keys now. There is the ignition key, and the trunk key. Some cars have the keys that can start the car remotely, but as far as I know, you have to have the key in the ignition for it to run. A lot of cars have a button in the glove box, or on the remote to open the trunk. Some cars have a keyless entry pad on the door, but it’s the same as having to have a key to be able to open the door. Our houses have keys for the entry doors. Some of the bathroom doors have keys. Some garage doors have keys, unless they have the garage door openers. Safety deposit boxes have keys. There are keys to your office if you work in an office building. The entrance doors to office buildings have card keys. We have spare keys in case we lose one of our keys. Some doors have security pads on them, so you can enter your code number to be able to get in. Safes have a combination that must be dialed in so that it can be opened. Bicycles can be equipped with locks so that you have to have a key to use it. Motorcycles do also. Sometimes you will try several keys on your key ring trying to get a lock open. In order to use or enter all the examples above, you have to have a key, key pad, or card key. A lot of people have certain ideas about how to get into Heaven. Some think you have to be a good person. Others believe that you must attend church regularly and give your money to the church. Still others believe that you must constantly be serving the Lord in some way. The keys to Heaven are clearly outlined in the Bible. It says that you must confess that you are a sinner and ask forgiveness, and repent of those sins. Then you must believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that He was resurrected in 3 days. Then you must ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and try your best to make Him Lord of your life. All the other things, being a good person, helping others, going to church, and giving your money will all fall into place once you become a Christian. The Bible also says that you must be baptized to show what has happened to you. You have become a new person and the old person has died. You are born again. Baptism comes after you have become a Christian. Just like trying different keys on your key ring to unlock different locks, only one will work. Only Jesus saves and can open the door to Heaven. He can make you a new key. God bless you.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:32:18 +0000

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