Don’t Take Off Without God I Categories: Daily - TopicsExpress


Don’t Take Off Without God I Categories: Daily Devotional “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Psalm 127:1 Many times believers choose to live as if they do not have God. It is so painful to God that His children fall into the same ditch unbelievers fall into when we have the advantage of the Holy Spirit. A few years back when the global stock market came crashing, it was so painful to see Christians get caught in the thick of it. They had played games like the world, they had followed the world’s system of investment. Many even stopped tithing in order to buy shares and of course when the crash came, they also came down like the world. Child of God, this should not be the case. Don’t enter into any venture without God. No matter how profitable they tell you it is, stop and sincerely seek God’s face concerning it. I am not talking about a 5 second prayer where your mind is made up of what you want; you just want God’s validation. No, lay the cards on the table, seek the mind of God and let Him direct you. In Acts 27, we read the story of Paul’s voyage. Just when they were about to take off, Paul told them what he perceived in the spirit. Paul was walking by faith, he was not the captain but there was something in him that others did not know. Paul admonished, let’s not take off because this journey is going to be problematic, not only of the ship but also our lives. So, let’s not take off. But because everything was cool and nothing showed that there was going to be problem, those people rejected Paul’s warning and decided to go by sight. Now note these, number one, these people based their judgment on professional advice. The master and the captain said they were going to go, look at verse 11, “Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship…” The soldier who took Paul, the Centurion believed professional advice rather than what Paul advice. Now Brother Mike, is it wrong to take professional advice? No! It is not but professional advice must line up with God’s word. When professional advice contradicts the word of God, you must take it with a pinch of salt. God sees the end from the beginning, His word is reliable and dependable. You can stake your life on His word and know that you cannot miss it. Today I declare your spirit open to receive the counsel of God and your heart willing to obey in Jesus name. Further Reading: Proverbs 3:5-7, Acts 27:1-14 Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Psalms 84-86; Evening Romans 12
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:48:34 +0000

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