Don’t just bellyache about senatorships With a heavy heart I - TopicsExpress


Don’t just bellyache about senatorships With a heavy heart I have been reading the Tamil papers and the alternative media on the issue of senatorship appointments. While all of us have the democratic freedom of expression, there is also something called political maturity and social decorum. When party-related matters are expressed devoid of the abovesaid, one wonders if people are crying grapes are sour or want to manipulate and pressurise the party ranks. This in fact is a disservice to the party, but they seem to paint a deceiving picture that they are the stalwarts, bulwarks and protectors of the very party they are destroying. I am really perturbed about this conniving trend that is slyly sneaking into MIC. I am not a blind supporter of the leadership but a respecter and upholder of the party system and the constitution. Why should we wash the dirty linen in public and give ammunition to the opposition who are waiting for such opportunities? And that too on a proverbial golden platter... this doesn’t augur well for the party. If you love the party you will not do this... by bringing your petty squabbles to the press... and that too in the veneer of protecting the party with such unacceptable language. I am sure that these learned veterans in MIC who were such staunch supporters of the previous leadership of all his moves, must know appointment of senators is the prerogative of the party president. However, there is a grievance addressing system and process. So if there is an issue, they should utilise this process and not use pressure tactics. There are options to raise the issue with the president or write to the central working committee (CWC) to address or limit the prerogative of the president by proposing an amendment to the party constitution and have it approved by the delegates at an annual general meeting/extraordinary general meeting (AGM/EGM). Why arent they opting for such straightforward channels? Is it possible that they want to earn some cheap popularity? I will leave my doubts to the mature readers of the Tamil press/alternative media. Now my second point is why do they want to involve in mudslinging game on their fellow MIC senators? What have they done to deserve a second term appointment is the frequently asked question. Why not? Contributions and track record? The joke that is some of them who have been involved in this dirty game are themselves two-term senators. Can all of them justify their contributions and track records? Some, if not all, didnt even attend the prestigious Senate sessions regularly or raised issues pertinent to the Indian community’s well-being. After all this, they have the temerity to throw stones at others. Thats the vulgar joke. So as my conclusive two cents worth, I suggest that 1. If you have an issue with the party matters raise it with the party president. 2. If this does not bear the right fruit, write to the CWC. 3. If you have a question or doubt about the performance of the party representatives in government, this too can be raised through the party processes. 4. If anyone who violates this process should be considered as betrayer and a traitor of party and the community. 5. Even if they think that the current MIC constitution is archaic and in need of amendments raise it through the appropriate proactive channel instead of destroying and demolishing the strength and image of the party. 6. We need to unite and work as one team for our community and country. Put aside the differences till the party election in 2016. During party election feel free to choose the leader you want to support or if you wish to stand as a candidate, that too possible. Now let’s respect the president of the day and work for the upliftment of our community. 7. At this juncture, instead of fighting among ourselves, we should put our consolidated concentration together to give inputs for 2015 Budget and also for the 2015-2020 11th Malaysia Plan, especially looking at the strategies to achieve 3 percent equity for our community and effectively helping the bottom 40 percent stratum. Hope people understand the value and wisdom behind my words. Thank you for reading my thoughts patiently. Lets look for a brighter and stronger MIC. MANIVANNAN RETHINAM is vice-chairperson, MIC National Information Committee. malaysiakini/letters/272410
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:20:16 +0000

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