Down Syndrome Awareness Month Day 2. This seems like an - TopicsExpress


Down Syndrome Awareness Month Day 2. This seems like an appropriate day to talk about people with Down syndrome having dental issues. Today was Eddies very first ever dental appointment! He did amazing! No cavities! YAY. But, even though Eddie is almost 3 years old, he still is missing quite a few teeth. We were not able to get an x-ray due to having to have clearance from his heart doctor first. But he did a visual and finger poking exam and could tell that he was missing those teeth, but could not tell if they were missing permanently or just a very very very very late to grow in :) this is very common for people with Down syndrome. Im sure your next question, or your first question, will be but WHY? I do not have the answer to that. There seems to be lots of studies but nothing proven that I can find as to why this happens. Regardless of the reason, Eddies smile is just PERFECT the way it is!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:36:49 +0000

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