Dragon - Aries (March 21 - April 20) Unflagging energy of the - TopicsExpress


Dragon - Aries (March 21 - April 20) Unflagging energy of the ruling planets - Mars affects so hard on the poor animal that everyone around him is running around with holes and scorched smell singed. Therefore, his unquenchable care and attention, as well as its very hard to miss. Burns all parts of speech, honest and straightforward, but it would be better silent. Dragon impulsive, he should count to thirty and think well of each of its head before fly and build, destroying all to the ground. He can not try on someone elses skin, no skin nalezet not on such large-scale identity. Therefore, it is crawling, flying, sleeping and flamethrower self-confidence, boundless pride and the ultimate truth. Ardent supporter of the dictatorship polite and tactful imposing their opinions aimed fire, but the first in a fight not climb. Each barrel of a massive gag that seeks to guide and owner of the barrel, and a drink, and a barrel. Think globally, in a big way, much exaggerating the facts. If the whole head is sick, then by three, if Uel appetite one knight swears Uel dozen. Brownie - Taurus (21 April - 21 May) If you wound up in the apartment Brownie, do not despair, consider yourself lucky, you cheaply purchased Taurus and Gold. Breathe deeply and do not breathe think about the material, do not ask a stupid question every day: What happened to the money? Money, appearing in the house, immediately stored in a reliable bank to which you without a good reason and not get a petition. Better think of something spiritual, for example, of the soul, because Brownie, though caring and practical, but evil, and life awaits you restless. Brownie jealous, stubborn, selfish, uncompromising in the debate, so its better to acquiesce in it. Particularly unenviable situation when you have entered with the samovar houses and the previous tenants of their homes are not taken away, and you do not have an address to say what you think of them. For a while, you have to live in hell. The house would be unbearably hot, you can be charged of all mortal sins, will fly around beating, stabbing, cutting household items, you have destroyed insomnia and otherworldly gloomy voices that tedious trying to find out who is the boss. If you think that this applies to you, relax and remove the noodles from the ears. Goblin - Gemini (May 22 - June 21) Wildly changeable nature, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. Three minutes ago Goblin suit your dressing and gave the heat of coal in the country that does not have standing, whistling, mushrooms were collected, and now carefully blows the cool air conditioning. What if you sweat while to sort things out with him? Because in order to find a relationship Leshim needed angelic patience, sense of humor and a lot of free time. Listen to the Goblin, so everyone except him, hand-foot-head does not grow wherever needed. Have to wriggle out of skin inside out, change the right shoe on the left, left to right to move back and blame for that Goblin you spared not tryndel twelve hours a day for any freely given topic. Do not sit on a stump, do not eat pie - uboltayet, zamorochitsya, patty choke. Goblin has three gifts: the gift of speech, the gift and the gift of the tediousness of the case, and giving them away for free. Managed fleet-footed Mercury Goblin mobile, such as mercury, runs, flickers, vparivaya nobody wanted decoction of svezhenarytogo moss. Better than him, no evil can not and will spam quickly turn a normal, large forest in the slum. Goblin is not lying, and imagination, not confusing marks, and jokes, not plotting, and fun, is not late and delayed. Therefore, it is excellent politician, an intriguing and talented critic and all, but, like water, is not appreciated in his native forest. The Banshee - Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Emotional, sentimental, dreamy, sensitive, affectionate and good-natured evil. Dual and contradictory nature, like change and variety, she wants it to the women, then to the girls to spend a dummy home, dependent, then the dummy wildly-free, marsh. Quarrel with water, runs to the houses, offended by Brownie returned to the water, torn between the house and the marsh, usually unhappy and understood in their personal lives. Has the gift of foresight, if you drank from the hoof, then become a kid, if foolishly climbed drown in the swamp, so you do not have all the houses. In any case, you will need emergency aid fright. It is on you mentally yell, put a hundred leeches obolet cold water izmazhet in therapeutic mud, wrapped with slime and tuck under a bush to recover. The fright unselfish, can keep a secret, you can trust it to a gold coin, while rest up under a bush. She will bury her, and in the morning you have to grow a whole tree, dotted with gold. If suddenly the tree does not grow, and fright I forgot which field fools buried coin, do not despair, the main thing is not the result, as shown by the care and attention. The fright faithful and devoted friend, getting in her claws, youre doomed. Cote Baiyun - Leo (July 23 - August 23) King of beasts, to remove questionable peace, fallen into childhood, back to basics. Goes to the right - the song starts, the left - a fairy tale says, does it masterfully with great charisma, even if you do not have any hearing or voice. May lull, let not the time not the place and you were not going to sleep. Razomleete - go to sleep forever, but you will see colorful dreams, like Cote Baiyun is right - the song starts, the left ... Endowed with intelligence and magnetism, but often suffers from amnesia, I - I do not, and kittens are not mine, where he was, who finished off the intellect, primagnitil tightly - I do not remember. Generous and noble: Anyone who has to - forgive! He likes to take care of, especially the weak: mouse, rabbit, hamster, bird, fish. Takes care of long, carefully, with interest, may then graciously let go at will, if enough of. On it should be vigilantly care - feeding sour cream, fresh meat, drink cream, stroking the hair, comb out the fleas, otherwise zahireet and refuses to stay with you the meaning of life. Do not flatter yourself, Cote Baiyun - a wild animal, as it does not feed them all to the forest. Stubborn, arrogant and devilishly clever predator, if he needs to get out that sausage will hunt until the sausage would not surrender to the mercy of the victor. Baba Yaga - Virgo (August 24 - September 23) In fact - it Vasilisa the Wise, tired of the hustle and disappointed in the human breed that knows how flaky. Misanthrope and a cynic, gray cardinal retired, who retired to the wilderness for the cunning wiles of weaving beads. Peacefully brews potions, dry in winter amanita to treat the case when the high-handed in the woods near. Natura closed, overly cautious, boring and demanding, seven double-check, why you came, and once you cut off the tail to the ears because it accepts no compromise, its attempting to al Lytaev case, the average is not given, after a heavy plowing lie on the stove, there rolls as an argument does not pass. Evil is valid, corrosive and meticulous reading bad thoughts, bad things understand at a glance, is expressed in response adequately. Weak strategist, but a strong tactician, capable otmativirovat send to hell, to foist a small ball of broom and pointing direction. Notes Baba Yaga often hurt, shocking acts, ruthlessness and coldness hurt good fellow, but her help is effective as a dead + live water when you are already in the chopped cabbage. Evil hardworking, nerastochitelna, economic and thrifty, but gambling, the mood can pull down the drain the accumulated funds, playing with the Nightingale the Robber preference. At Yaga hut in an ideal organization of labor, potions placed in the right mess, spiders weave a web of strictly in the corners, cat crap exclusively where necessary, mouse built and run in a clear sequence of pigs, flies fly along the planned trajectory. Baba Yaga laconic, reserved, but curious, satisfied the inquiry with a predilection for nothing. Caution! All that confuse the testimony will be used against you. Mara - Libra (September 24 - October 23) Bringing lives in a medieval castle a thick fog, especially in the mornings. Mysterious, murky creation of where to go - do not know what will put - do not choose who - do not know why - did not come up with, most likely, will not go anywhere at all, because it is to get up, trudge carefully weigh the pros and against . Without an analysis of the situation, which itself stir up to the limit, do not lift a finger Mara, the ear does not lead, not shelestnet shroud. Lure evil spirits can only on an eerie interest. Supporter of belief, why run if you can stand, why stand when you can sit and why sit when you can lie down. Evil is not accidental personify death by suffocation, enough with her to go shopping, and youll either strangle her or themselves exhale. Or may not be here in this suit - a matter of life and death and your nerves of steel. Mara is extremely noisy and annoying ghost, arriving at midnight to six oclock in the morning rattling chains was much discussion with you a touching and funny story as it came to a life after death, even if you are silent, yawning and unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. But Mara is not so much your nightmare, as the embodiment of the fate of the villain, solid and easy fooling pomrachnenie reason. Can get from the world and tactless, but gently, put your brain. Do not worry, the day will not annoy evil, do not see it - can not be heard when it comes to everyday life, dreary work. Mermaid - Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). If youve decided to take a dip, prepare for the worst. Nurture strength of will, be patient, learn to breathe evenly, buy waterproof earplugs and white rubber slippers, suddenly in your path will meet Mermaid. Mermaid will sit on the pebble in the middle of the pond and doooooolgo combing their wonderful hair comb wonderful, even if her head scanty hedgehog. And you should stick enthusiastic idol on the beach in sneakers, with a towel at the ready, not breathing, so no ripples in the water does not interfere with the process. If hurt, Mermaid drown in a whirlpool of emotions score before his death, and carry off the ridge to the bottom to build a crystal palace under the driftwood. Nature complex, mysterious, emotional, throws to extremes, then sitting in the lake, then climbs into the bottle on the oak, the sweet singing, the fire siren wails, the angel, the devil knows what. For the love of you is able to cast a vote witch, and then turn you into a sea foam because it is such a volatile and impulsive all. She was excusable, it internal conflict between the lofty and lowly: TOP want to carry their unearthly beauty of the people, while the bottom tail low self-esteem. Mermaid independent, disobedient, willful, escapes from any network, you can manipulate the evil spirits, but gently, a tight velvet gloves. More press on pity Mermaid somewhere very deep in the soul of good and responsive. Famously one-eyed - Sagittarius - (November 23 - December 21). In fact, two-eyed Famously, but if you wake up, when you do not get enough sleep, it will start dashing your shooting. Evil seize bow, arrows, a pillow that turned up under the arm, carefully take aim, screwing up his eyes ... she does everything thoroughly and carefully ... you will remember this lovely one-eyed face of the whole short life, leaving the edification of posterity: not to wake! It is about a child-Famously said, Do too many cooks spoil the eye. It grew, nanny came under dashing natural selection, but restlessness, cheerfulness and energy over the edge of evil kept, however, as the eyeless. Litho - finished idealist and an incurable romantic, believes in a bright future, in love at first sight, in friendship with the second, in divorce and mothers maiden name in the third. Stepping on the same rake, stubbornly blind eye to human vices scatter everywhere utensils so proudly goes through life with a black eye and scars on the rake scarred heart. If the burning desire to know the truth about themselves, without fear of the boom in the ass, cushions on the ears, onion in the eye, go to Lihue and ask. Kashchei Immortal - Capricorn (December 22 - January 20). Natura solid, stubborn, ambitious, fire, water proof, bulletproof and strong-willed. Its about him behind his back gently say drew - Figure sotresh, goat, and in the eyes sternly - salt of the earth, which is true, not a sugar. The only evil, not full-bodied, but do not risk it to call a walking soup set, she forgives the offense, unless you, the young eagle, sitting in prison and crude rumbles on its last legs in chains. Director and strategist, assumes all responsibility for mined gold in the fight over which voluntarily withers. Appreciate the wealth just so in the chest, and not for comfort. You can always complain to him in the thigh bone, he pessimist, so sympathize with your grief, radiculitis and a pile of problems with teeth that will understand at once - it will be worse. Jealous, but restrained, his headache problem solves dramatically - your guillotine. Loves solitude and Vasilisa the Beautiful in the kitchen and with a dozen Prince Ivan in the dungeon because grumble philosophize ostroumnichat and appreciate all that is beautiful in good company better. Maniac and a gambler in all, very patient, wait and catch can be an eternity, he has time. Prefers to wear casual suit of soft, gentle, white, fluffy, do not be fooled, bunny suit hides a duck egg, an iron character. Nightingale the Robber - Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Lazy, friendly, irresponsible scum prefer to sit on the branches and you constantly whistle. Natura air, flutters through life grist for his mill, successfully spinning the wheel of fortune. Knows what to whom and when nasvistet valiant valiant whistle to the victims ears, she lost orientation in space, gave his horse, threw the gun and blew apart. Most often, the Nightingale the Robber chooses creative professions pen and ax. Evil charming to tremble at the knees, optimistic, sociable, bottled nightingale, so you plagued by vague doubts, maybe its not a highwayman and Robin Hood, who refused the home comfort, to give free rein to the freedom and the unsuspecting traveler. Nightingale the Robber inquisitive and more compassionate, carefully check how far you get blown away, how many hands you broke-leg, how many edible and an unfinished that you have in your knapsack. Evil generously endowed by nature, but many talents does not have time to develop, everything goes the whistle. Creative, but in the eternal search for easily building castles in the air, and easily destroys them in front of the astonished audience. Water - Pisces (February 19 - March 20) If you sat down in a deep puddle, you quickly sucks, you begin to die and indignantly gurgle, but suddenly there is something pale green, resolute that pulls you like a hippo, extolling patriotic native puddle, do not hesitate - before you water. He is so fond of his swamp, he prefers not to get out of it. True at heart Water - Major Gold fish, dreams of seas and coral, dangerous adventures and perform any reasonable desire, starting from the trough and ending-pillar nobility. Incorrigible hardship romantic, believes in the red sails, has a vivid imagination oysters and intellectual potential of a dolphin. Water modest, sociable, shy, neurotic, when you do not understand its sublime impulses to help another to stay afloat, and permanently offended hiding under the driftwood. The soul of evil thin, vulnerable, but in the swamp no creature that does not appreciate. Do not go through with bad intentions by bodies of water, pure soul to the Water dangerous act dirty thoughts on my nerves. However, the Water prefers to avoid collisions, flow around obstacles, rather than fight with them. Always swim at depth and sees the root, to the water willingly stretch for advice, sometimes they drown
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:09:12 +0000

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