Dream On I had a strange dream last night. In my dream, I went - TopicsExpress


Dream On I had a strange dream last night. In my dream, I went to the convenience store across the street from work. A homeless man threatened to stab my in the eye with a toothpick unless I gave him money. I quickly subdued the man, but when I was asked if I wanted to press charges against the man, I said no and let the man go. The next time I visited that convenience store, the same thing happened. And again, I refused to press charges and let the man go free. But when I visited the store for the third time, the man accosted me again. This time, after subduing him, I decided to press charges against the man. And while I was walking toward the doorway to leave the store, my dear friend, Gary, entered and gave me a big hug. Wow, what a strange dream! I dont know much about interpreting dreams, and what their underlying meaning may or may not be, but heres what I think: First, no more food within 4 or 5 hours of bedtime. It could be affecting my sleep and/or my dreams. Next, was the dream trying to talk to me about forgiveness? Even though I did press charges against the man after his third attack on me, I wasnt angry with the man...just annoyed with him. Third, what did my friend, Gary, have to do with the situation? Is it because he is one of my closest and dearest friends? Does the fact that he is also one of my spiritual mentors and a Godly man have something to do with it? Then I start thinking about that homeless man: what happened to him after I pressed charges? What prompted him to attack me in the first place? Did he ever receive the care and treatment he needed to help improve his life? Questions...the more I think about my dream, the more questions I have. Friends, the Bible contains stories that sometimes leave us with more questions than answers? Remember the jealousy that Josephs brothers had with him? Why did they sell him off into slavery? Why didnt they just talk to him? And what about Thomas? Why didnt he just accept the word of the disciples when they told Thomas that they had seen the risen Jesus? Why did Thomas have to doubt? Why did Thomas have to see and touch the wounds of Jesus in order to believe? Friends, just like our dreams sometimes, our lives can bring us questions. There are times when those questions may be answered in a relative short period of time, and there may be other occasions in which we will figure out the answers. The good news for us is that we know the one who holds all the answers for us. We know God. I know Ive said this before many times, but I believe that one day, when we join our creator and his son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in heaven, we will find those answers that weve been looking for. Gods plan will be revealed to us and finally, it will all make sense. Thats what I believe. So, keep dreaming, my brothers and sisters in Christ. As Casey Kasem would say, Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. And hold on tight to your faith...its the one thing that will keep you steady during those stormy days of life. Amen. ~John Lloyd~
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 10:22:28 +0000

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