Dropping The Alkaline Science According to David Jubb. IN THE - TopicsExpress


Dropping The Alkaline Science According to David Jubb. IN THE WORD “death” is “eat,” and “die” is in “diet.” Disease comes from one root, and that is other than maintaining vital electrics and keeping cells clean and oxygenated. Disease is an acidic, toxic, hypoxic terrain. By eating food that is incomplete and lacking nutrient, one can dig a grave with one’s teeth. Is it possible that a certain powerful and simple kind of nutrition understanding can reveal the next step toward personal health as well as a sustainable future for planet Earth? Lifefood Nutrition Rich with colloid of life found in lifefood nutrition, the three great circulatory rivers flow: the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and digestive systems. Otherwise the body can become too acidic. Places in the body can become damp, moldy, and swampy. Bacteria, mold, fungi, and yeast as dysbiotic lifecolloid arise out of limited-oxygen conditions in those stagnant areas. A lifestyle leading to acidic terrain can make oxygen unavailable to the cell. Thousands of people have healed while cleansing on lifefood nutrition and rejuvenated their cells with informed nutritional choices and strategies. One aim is to limit or eliminate acid-forming food like starch, sugar, fat, and protein (especially flesh), which create digestive and body challenge. Theyre detrimental digestive byproducts are called nu-toxin. Undigested plant fiber ferments in the body. Animal protein putrefies (rots) and becomes bacteria. Dysbiotic lifecolloid can arise, along with their mycotoxic excretions, slowing the flow of blood. Blood cells should be discrete from one another and symmetrical, optimally engaging the body’s great internal surface area and exchange of cell nutrient and waste. For reestablishing and/ or maintaining health, one will eat food that is complete , whole, and has its “vital electrics” intact. This strong electrical force is intact in food that is whole, organic, and uncooked— primarily fresh fruit and vegetable (non-starchy). Sprouted nut, soaked seed, and some fermented food are also classified as “lifefood” as they are prepared in a way that makes them easy to digest. Lifefood bears semblance to what can still be found growing wild in nature. This removes hybridized varieties of food such as wheat , rice, corn, date, carrot, beet, banana, and seedless fruit. That food has such a limited “vital electric” force that it only survives within a farmer’s protection, often meaning the use of toxin applied to guard the plant against mold, fungi, and yeast. Such food conveys to the body a very limited vitality. Lifefood nutritional fasting blends food lightly rather than juicing, as this retains vital nutrient and cell wall integrity. Carrot has been hybridized and is a high glycotic-rate food when juiced! Beet is too! They are dead food! One nourishes oneself with blended fruit and vegetable without any starch (abstaining from starchy, hybridized food such as carrot, beet, corn, wheat, rice, potato) abstaining from animal flesh, cooked food, and breakfast. Dark-green, red, and yellow vegetable and fruit. This is ideal food for reclaiming one’s terrain. Dandelion, and kale have an enormous amount of laetrile (used in cancer treatment). Steamed food is dead food and brings little benefit. Yet, if desired, it may be far better for one’s digestion than beef, bagels, and cream cheese. For salt supplement, sun-dried sea salt is supreme, as pasteurized, cooked, dead, and denatured salt products have more acidic element than alkaline. Such acidifying substance seriously compromises the blood. One can avoid everything except the ancient human diet. All refined, hybridized, un-food / junk would have acidified us then as it does now. Certainly that type of “un-food” can be avoided. There are times in life, as we have evolved, where intake of food is even suspended! All food is colonized by colloid of life, as all life is the symbiotic relationship of a colony of colloid of life. (Disease occurs when this relationship becomes parasitical.) Even an apple is fully colonized by lifecolloid. A. clavatus and P. patuluns are fungi that have colonized the apple tree. These produce the mycotoxin patulin. That mycotoxin can be an allergen. Furthermore, an apple is often stored. All food stored in a bin or silo is colonized by lifecolloid. As stored food is eventually eaten by a human, toxic fungi, yeast, and mycotoxin can be inadvertently ingested. Mycotoxic poisoning is greatly facilitated on a diet of such stored food. Yeast and fungi can survive in the intestinal tract, in the tissue, and in the blood, continuing to excrete mycotoxin into the body. Corn and associated food contain 25 strains of fungi. Peanut and cashew have some 27 strains of fungi. Barley and other grains, flesh, and dairy food contain Aspergillus ochraceus, which produces a mycotoxin called ochratoxin that is implicated in cancer and a multitude of other diseases. Excessive mycotoxic compounds are increasingly being documented as a serious risk factor in disease.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:19:28 +0000

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