During the Final days of Preparation for the New Web-site. Heres - TopicsExpress


During the Final days of Preparation for the New Web-site. Heres Yesterdays Devotional that would be Thursday 10/17/2013 Hello everybody its me Waddles the Hippo and you know what that means, its another Wonderful day in Jesus, Yes. And what a celebration it is, boys and girls we get to work out of The Faith Chapter and it’s my turn to work out of Verse 4 found in Chapter 11: of the Book of Hebrews and it is good. You talk about power Packed, my goodness sakes listen to this, it says in Verse 4. “By Faith,” Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By Faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And By Faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.” So boys and girls what you do today can last forever, if it’s done to the Glory of God and I want to share something with you to that nobody else has mentioned and we really haven’t looked at. But did you know that Cain was the first born to Adam and Eve, yeah. And he had a slight problem with anger, I guess so and then came Abel and then came the sacrifices and then came the offerings and then it was Cain that lost it, an took his Brother out in a field and killed him. Because of anger and anger is a by-product of fear and fear is a by-product of rejection and guess what? Cain had a problem with rejection, he feared it and when he was rejected he got angry and when he got real angry, he got really ugly. Very much like the people of today, when every body’s pointing their finger at somebody else and calling them names and my goodness sakes boys and girls that isn’t why God put us here. God put us here to share this Planet and to help each other and to prosper and share His Gospel with everybody, that’s what God’s plan is so His Son can come back and gather us all up and go into Heaven. That’s what it’s all about, but no, anger got a toe hold in the Garden when Eve ate the Apple and that’s not the way it’s supposed to be. And you wanna know something? Adam could have ended that whole Problem real quick, he could have took the snake and he could have took Eve before God and said, Father God here’s the woman you gave me and she talk’s to snakes and the snake talked her into eatin an apple and I don’t want no part of it and what are we gonna do about it. Whoa, that could have changed everything Huh! Well so can Prayer and “Prayer Changes Thing’s.”
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 02:14:18 +0000

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