EBOLAGATE UPDATE: ARE THE GLOBALISTS LOSING CONTROL OF EBOLA PLOT? ;-) GERMAN AND FRENCH ARMY TO SET UP AIR BRIDGE FOR WEST AFRICA; ARE THE GLOBALISTS LOSING CONTROL OF EBOLA PLOT? September 23, 2014 *FRENCH AND GERMAN GOVERNMENTS ORGANIZE AN AIR LIFTS TO EBOLA AFFECTED COUNTRIES *LEXPRESS: BASE TO BE IN DAKAR, SENEGAL *GERMAN ARMY TO SEND FOUR TRANSALL PLANES AND 100 SOLDIERS *500 GERMAN SOLDIERS VOLUNTEER IN 24 HOURS FOR EBOLA MISSION *CAPACITY TO AIRLIFT 100 TONNES OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES EVERY WEEK TO EBOLA-AFFECTED COUNTRIES *GERMAN ARMY PREPARED TO SEND 50 BED HOSPITAL TO LIBERIA *FRENCH ARMY TO SET UP HOSPITAL IN GUINEA In a meeting on Friday, the French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian and his German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen decided to set up an air lift to help fight Ebola in Liberia and Guinea, the German ministry of defense has announced. The air bridge capable of transporting 100 tonnes of medical supplies a week will operate from Senegal. In a dramatic intervention, the French and German army seem to be set to take action outside of the UN, WHO and CDC command structure. The involvement of German and French military comes as the African Union announced plans to send 200 soldiers to countries affected by Ebola. ttp://en.starafrica/news/german-government-increases-aid-for-fight-against-ebola-2.html lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/sante/ebola-paris-et-berlin-organisent-un-pont-aerien_1577602.html thelocal.de/20140920/germany-plan-air-lifts-to-help-fight-ebola thenewdawnliberia/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12709:au-appoints-envoy-to-ebola-fight&catid=25:politics&Itemid=59 There had been fears that not enough German soldiers would volunteer for the Ebola mission, but within 24 hours, 500 soldiers had applied to join, five times more than are foreseen. spiegel.de/gesundheit/diagnose/ebola-500-freiwillige-melden-sich-fuer-bundeswehr-einsatz-in-afrika-a-993317.html The involvement of so many foreign military forces is not foreseen in the UN, WHO and CDC Ebola response plan, and could indicate that the Globalists are losing control of the situation. The UN plan foresees a centralized, monolithic, hierarchical command structure taking charge of all global military and health forces under the UN. A special UN Ebola Mission, UNMEER, has begun to set up operations in Accra, Ghana. un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=48760#.VCG8gmrfpD8 Another sign the Globalist’s plans are falling apart could be the Obama administration’s decision to send 3000 US troops to Liberia in the run up to a mass vaccination campaign penciled in for November, possibly over fears that Liberian and UN troops would not be reliable partners in enforcing Ebola martial law and untested Ebola jabs. A comment in Liberia’s leading newspaper by a Liberian scientist accusing the US and western pharmaceutical companies of manufacturing Ebola went viral in early September. liberianobserver/security/ebola-aids-manufactured-western-pharmaceuticals-us-dod The French government — perhaps remembering the traumatic swine flu vaccine campaign of 2009, when martial law measures were implemented to vaccinate 100% of the French population — seems to be the powerhouse of efforts to contain Ebola. It compelled Air France to cancel flights to Ebola-hit countries in August, and so deprived the Globalists of a feasible cover story for spreading Ebola to France and also Europe. ibtimes.co.uk/ebola-french-government-orders-air-france-cancel-flights-sierra-leone-1462855 France, Germany and the EU have also given money to help the Liberian government directly in their fight against Ebola. allafrica/stories/201409221188.html Excerpts from a German Foreign Ministry statement: en.starafrica/news/german-government-increases-aid-for-fight-against-ebola-2.html - In conjunction with the French Army, the Bundeswehr plans to establish an air bridge to the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak at short notice and set up an air transport base somewhere in the wider region. One possible location for such a base could be Dakar, Senegal. An initial two Transall aircraft can be made available for this purpose, and up to 100 soldiers are intended to establish the air bridge and run the air transport base. Other countries may take a role in the supply chain. – The German Government will support the German Red Cross both financially and logistically in establishing a mobile hospital with more than 200 beds as well as two primary healthcare clinics in the region. The Bundeswehr is also prepared to transport to the region a sick bay/field hospital for up to 50 patients and help set it up if required. - The German Government intends to increase its staff of essential medical auxiliaries. It will create the conditions for a functioning rescue chain. - If necessary, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance can make extensive medical equipment available at short notice from its existing stock. - The German Government intends to play a greater role in the training of medical personnel on the ground. SOURCE Federal Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Ignorance September 23, 2014 The first among all evils is ignorance: next comes a lack of faith. St Mark the Ascetic The Philokalia Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister LIBERIAN GOVERNMENT FORCED TO DENY US TROOPS TESTING EBOLA PATIENTS, FAULTY US DIAGNOSTIC KITS WIDELY USED September 23, 2014 US troops not testing Ebola patients -Health Ministry clarifies Tuesday, 23 September 2014 00:00 Lewis Teh The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has clarified that US troops who arrived in the country on Friday are not involved in testing Ebola patients at various health centers as being rumored here. The ministry has also dismissed reports of people begging to have suspected Ebola patients tested at the [Church run] ELWA Hospital, terming the rumor as baseless. Speaking on Monday, September 22nd during a regular press briefing at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism, the Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Services, Tolbert Nyeswah, said the 3,000 US military personnel, who arrived in Liberia over the weekend are not here to test people with the Ebola virus disease. He said the coming of the US military has nothing to do with testing or touching patients with the deadly Ebola virus thenewdawnliberia/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12748:us-troops-not-testing-ebola-patients-health-ministry-clarifies&catid=25:politics&Itemid=59 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Sierra Leone seals borders with Liberia and Guinea to stop Ebola, puts soldiers at border with US occupied neighbour September 23, 2014 Sierra Leone seals borders with Liberia and Guinea to stop Ebola Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:29pm GMT FREETOWN, Sept 23 (Reuters) – Sierra Leone’s army has “sealed off” the borders with Liberia and Guinea in a bid to halt the spread of Ebola, the army spokesman said on Tuesday. af.reuters/article/liberiaNews/idAFL6N0RO4FK20140923 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Simple measures can protect relatives nursing Ebola patients September 23, 2014 New plans in Liberia to move infected people into Ebola care centres overlook the simple measure of supplying gloves, extra clothes and chlorine powder to relatives nursing sick people. washingtonpost/national/health-science/new-effort-to-fight-ebola-in-liberia-would-move-infected-patients-out-of-their-homes/2014/09/22/f869dc08-4281-11e4-b47c-f5889e061e5f_story.html Time reports on how effective these simple measures, developed by a Church in Liberia, have proven to be: “The task force, which was launched a week after Kamanda took sick, bore fruit immediately. Scotland’s guidance helped save Kamanda’s husband, Alex T. J. Kamanda, a science teacher who nursed his wife for eight days before a bed opened up in one of the city’s overcrowded treatment facilities. While Kamanda, 39, stayed by his wife’s side, church members kept him in a steady supply of gloves, extra clothes and chlorine powder. “For me it was traumatic, seeing someone you love suffering so much, and not even being able to touch her without gloves, ” says Kamanda, sitting in front of the empty porch where his wife spent her last listless days before going to the treatment center. “But I didn’t get sick.” It’s a double blessing: his four-year-old son, who was staying with his grandparents at the time, still has a family, unlike the country’s hundreds of Ebola orphans. The guidance of Monrovia’s churches is spreading beyond their congregations. When one of his neighbors got sick, Kamanda’s example inspired the victim’s son, Victor T. Bumbeh, to use the same protective measures. He didn’t get sick either. “It’s a fearful disease,” says the jobless 27-year-old. “I understand why people are afraid. But with the right protections, not everyone who touches it dies.” To members of the Chickensoup Factory church, casting Ebola from Liberia may start with God, but education, counseling and a good dose of chlorine are just as important. time/3418173/liberia-monrovia-ebola-church/ Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Ebola martial law could spell end of America September 23, 2014 How Ebola Will Irreversibly Transform America by Dave Hodges | September 23, 2014 5:17 am In the face of an Ebola outbreak, the government should be deploying the military at all border entry points and in airports for the purpose of establishing quarantine zones for passengers suspected of exposure to the Ebola virus. All flights, to and from Africa, should be banned from entering U.S. airspace. Instead of protecting America, this administration is sending 3,000 soldiers, untrained in dealing with Ebola outbreaks, to Africa for reasons that nobody can seemingly identify? Why? We continue to leave our southern border completely open and Ebola, in the form of a bio-terror weapon can and will be brought into the United States. Again, I ask why? The CDC[2] owns the patent on Ebola and every strain of the virus up to 70% of the variance from the original pathogen. Why is this not being reported in the mainstream media? Crucell tested an Ebola vaccine in 2006 on 32 humans. There is not one word of this mentioned by the six corporate conglomerate which owns 95% of the media. Why? The National Institute of Health (NIH[3]) owns the patent on the Crucell[4] developed vaccine. Also, the Army is involved in the creation of the vaccine. Why won’t the mainstream media report what is so easily discoverable in the public domain? And you can bet, regardless of the efficacy, that vaccines will mandatory in order to maximize profits in the midst of America’s decline. thecommonsenseshow/2014/09/23/how-ebola-will-irreversibly-transform-america/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DaveHodges-TheCommonSenseShow+%28Dave+Hodges-The+Common+Sense+Show%29 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Loss of trust in Sirleaf’s government could trigger civil war September 23, 2014 Ebola may force region back into conflict – Liberia 2014-09-23 15:23 Liberia has warned it may slip back to civil war if the Ebola epidemic ravaging west Africa is allowed to continue to spread because people are losing trust in Sirleaf’s government. . news24/Africa/News/Ebola-may-force-region-back-into-conflict-Liberia-20140923-2 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister Reuters: Ever-present endemic Ebola now major concern for disease experts September 23, 2014 By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent LONDON, Sept 23 (Reuters) – West Africa’s Ebola epidemic is the largest the world has ever seen, but infectious disease experts are almost as fearful of a long-term legacy in humans as they are about the deaths it is causing right now. While the current outbreak is vast and out of control, even pessimistic forecasts suggest it will eventually recede. But if the virus continues to transmit from person to person for a year or more, the risk is that Ebola will become endemic in humans and constitute an ever-present threat to people in the region and the rest of the world. in.reuters/article/2014/09/23/health-ebola-endemic-idINL6N0RO2WX20140923 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister WHO: MANY DEATHS ATRRIBUTED TO EBOLA ARE NOT CONFIRMED September 23, 2014 From WHO’s Situation report – 22 September 2014 who.int/csr/disease/ebola/en/ “There are several points to be considered when interpreting epidemiological data for the EVD outbreak. Many of the deaths attributed to EVD in this outbreak occurred in people who were suspected, but not confirmed, to have died from the disease. EVD cases are only confirmed when a sample tests positive in the laboratory. If samples taken from a body test negative for EVD, that person is no longer counted among EVD deaths and the figures are adjusted accordingly. However, because laboratory services and treatment centres are currently overwhelmed in several countries, the numbers of probable and suspected cases, together with those confirmed, may be a more accurate reflection of case numbers. Work is also on going to resolve discrepancies between different sources of data, which may lead to a revision of the numbers of cases and deaths in the future.” apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/134449/1/roadmapupdate22sept14_eng.pdf?ua=1 Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister CDC threatens: Over 1 Million Ebola Cases By End Of January September 23, 2014 Warning: Over 1 Million Ebola Cases By End Of January by AP | September 23, 2014 CDC scientists conclude there may be as many as 21,000 reported and unreported cases in just those two countries as soon as the end of this month, according to a draft version of the report obtained by The Associated Press. They also predict that the two countries could have a staggering 550,000 to 1.4 million cases by late January. infowars/warning-over-1-million-ebola-cases-by-end-of-january/ Comments Off | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by Jane Burgermeister
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:31:21 +0000

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