EXERCISE AND NUTRITION TIPS FOR RAMZAN Is it safe to exercise - TopicsExpress


EXERCISE AND NUTRITION TIPS FOR RAMZAN Is it safe to exercise during Ramzan? Yes. If you follow certain guidelines it is perfectly safe. Here are my tips. ( Your friends might find this article useful .. So Do Share ) You may find it difficult to exercise during Ramzan, but it’s important to note that this is also a month of patience and sacrifice. Exercising during Ramzan is purely a test of your ‘willpower’. Here’s how you can maintain fitness, muscle tone and minimise a metabolic shutdown during Ramzan. DON’T STOP WORKING OUT: Fasting for 30 consecutive days without exercise can result in a regression of strength and fitness. Individuals who train a minimum of three to five days a week for 11 months, but avoid training during the holy month, often face a setback with regard to cardiovascular and resistance adaptations. If you stop exercising for a month, it’s equal to losing four months of exercise. THE BEST TIME TO EXERCISE: The best time to exercise during Ramzan is after Tarawih prayers at night. This will ensure that you will have several meals and plenty of water in your body before hitting the gym. This will also allow you to consume the all important post- workout meal and protein shake, which is essential for muscle growth. If this is too late then the next best time to weight train is about an hour after Iftar before Tarawih prayer. In short, you can either exercise before Sehar or after Iftar but exercising while fasting (day time) is ‘dangerous’ and ‘unacceptable’. NO EXERCISE BEFORE BREAKING FAST: Working out before breaking your fast in a fasted state is a terrible idea. Training while in a state of dehydration can decrease strength significantly. In fact, dehydrating a muscle by as little as 3% can cause a 12% loss in strength. THE KEY TO SAFE EXERCISING: The key to safe exercising in Ramzan is to listen to your body. If you are tired or exhausted, then either shorten your workout or change your routine. DON’T INTENSIFY EXERCISE ROUTINE: During Ramzan, the body runs on minimal energy reserves, therefore, trying to perform an intense workout can cause damage to your health and make your fasting experience difficult. So reduce the intensity of your workout (weights, sets, repetitions, speed or distance). 30 MINUTES IS ADEQUATE: During Ramzan, you shouldn’t exercise longer than 30 minutes. Perform compound movements like squats, lunges, press-ups, dips, planks etc. Compound exercises work well to give maximum impact in minimum time. BREAK YOUR FAST WITH DATES AND WATER: The wisdom of Islam is never ending. Dates contain very high levels of potassium, a key re- hydration mineral and a special carbohydrate blend that enhances hydration above and beyond water alone. So basically when you eat a date and water for Iftar, your body gets hydrated again much faster than with water alone. WHAT TO EAT: You should consume “slow digesting” food including fibre-containing foods (which last up to 8 hours) rather than fast-digesting foods (which last for only 3-4 hours). Slow digesting food contain whole grains and seeds like wheat, oats, beans, lentils and rice (called complex carbohydrates). Fibre-containing foods are whole grains, green leafy vegetables and fruits with skin. Quickly absorbing proteins and carbohydrates are ideal especially after your workout. You can have whey protein shake, dal (lentils), beans, meat, fish, milk, curd, cheese, chana, soyabeans, eggs etc. AVOID SWEETS: Sweets and sugary foods will only last for 3 to 4 hours. You will feel hungry again after 3 to 4 hours. Moreover, these will turn into fat and increase cholesterol levels. If you feel like having sweets then have dates or banana. AVOID JUNK: Eating junk will make you feel sick to not only workout but to perform ibadah. WHAT TO DRINK: Drink sufficient water between Iftar and bedtime to avoid dehydration. Keep a bottle of water beside you and sip while working out. Avoid beverages like energy drinks or soft drinks. You can have whey protein and milk instead of sugary drinks. HEALTHY FOOD TO EAT DURING RAMZAN: Dates, fish, figs, dal, whey protein, milk, meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, chana, beans, milk, curd, cheese, whole wheat and brown rice. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and fulfilling Ramzan. May God accept our fasting, salat, prayers and good deeds and forgive all of us with His kindness for our bad deeds. Do remember me in your prayers.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:55:10 +0000

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