EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! GUAMBLOG REPORTING All of this contributes to the unfortunate conclusion, no matter how hard is to swallow, that Eddie Calvo is a liar and a thief. A toxic leader. Let’s look at other traits of a toxic leader and how this has impacted the 2014 elections. Calvo’s toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and mission performance. This leader lacks concern for others and the climate of the organization, which leads to short- and long-term negative effects. The Republican Party of Guam is divided. Camachos, Blases, Moylans, and Adas have aligned with perennial adversaries in the Democrat Party to support the ouster of Calvo from the party leadership because of the corrosive attacks that have slandered, maligned and disrespected founding families of the Republican party. After thirty years of fracture, Democrats were forced by Calvo’s toxic leadership into a real unity coalition that they have been unable to achieve without this external pressure. The poisonous environment created by Calvo and his political operatives seriously imperils the ability of Republicans to take the majority in the next legislature, blowing the advantage they had to that at the start of this election season. Self-serving interests and motivations have derailed the real possibility Republicans had of electing one of our own to congress, when Madeleine Bordallo is at her most vulnerable. Bullying and Commanding Bullying involves things like unfair treatment, public humiliation and other forms of threatening behavior. The most notable evidence of how toxic things are is the disgraceful treatment accorded for Port of Guam GM Mary Camacho Torres. Calvo in a sneaky and undhanded manner disgraced and humiliated Torres. Falsely accused her of criminal conduct and conspiracy to commit fraud. Calvo orchestrated a public relations campaign to smear Torres, her family name and mislead the public into believing she was under a nonexistent Federal investigation. Other behaviors might be subtler yet still create toxicity. These include undermining one’s position or responsibility, falsely taking credit, spreading rumors and halftruths, and social ostracism.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:29:30 +0000

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