Early this morning, as I was heading out, an enchanted mist was - TopicsExpress


Early this morning, as I was heading out, an enchanted mist was undulating, sourced in magic, of that I had no doubt. It had a center point and spread to either side, glowing from with in as Grandfather Sun began to rise. My curiosity got the better of me, I was drawn to its source. So I headed over that way to investigate of course. What I found was very strange, a faerie flora I could not name. It was laced with dew drops I could not measure with an enormous one right in the center. Looking closer it seemed to me, to be like a crystal ball reflecting back what one is to see. I was entranced immediately so decided to give it a try...gazing into this delicate orb I looked to see what I could spy. Its edges began to spin while clouds formed from within. Undulating and sending their wisps out to dissipate, I held my breath and in patience did wait. Then it slowly cleared itself, to reveal a white and purple image of an Elf. He was beautiful, and held his own power too, I could feel its essence coming through. Upon his head an exotic bird rested, another came flying by just over his ear. His hair flew in wild array as a silent wind rushed in and veered. Then his voice came to my mind, I had to strain to hear what he had to say. Ive a message from the Wizard for you and your friends today. At that point I simply nodded, this was such a strange approach, why wouldnt the Wizard reach out to me himself? Then this messenger began to shift his form, and I heard the Wizard laugh. As there appeared a green Dragons eye, and what do you know...he stood in the center holding his staff to the side. Good morning Child, I knew I could get your attention. Theres something that I wanted to mention. Before you go wandering into my woods seeking through the forest keep, instead, come straight to the river outlook, theres something there for you to see. I nodded in agreement, blew him a kiss for his cheek, then on my way I went toward the overlook where the river is wide and deep. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw him standing there, his back was to me and his focus was up in the air. Oh my friends, what a view! The sky was filled with Dragons in flight. They were dancing and darting all about, what a beautiful sight. With Grandfather Sun behind them, they were spreading out their wings, they flew through his rays with their numbers increasing. It took my breath to pause as they seemed to possess such joy, there was freedom in their flight, as their patterned maneuvers were employed. Just then the Wizard turned around, his voice muffled by the sound...of these winged wonders...a sound that carried the echo of distant rolling thunder. Well there you are Child, what do you think? Will our friends want to go for a ride? The juveniles have grown in their skills and a select few are ready to experience being mounted. Will our friends dare to oblige and be taken on an exceptional ride? Then I replied: Well I cant speak for the others, you know? Some may fear such a feat. But I will certainly take to the air, what a marvelous treat! Is there a specific destination that you have in mind? Oh yes, he replied, it will be through a portal in time. They are learning to navigate the dimensions, and this is like a secret mission. So this journey will be, to soar across the heights of a land known only to me. And once you are there, youre to take in the view...then bring back the details of what reveals itself to you. Each Dragon and Rider will see their own vision, this is how the Dragons are commissioned. And in the telling, when you each return, I will know how well theyve learned...to follow my directions. Each has received their assignment, and depending on your sisters and brothers, there may be more than one ride youll take, for there are specific Dragon numbers. I stood nodding in silent anticipation, eager to mount and ride through the sky. Oh what an adventure, Stars Above, oh my! Then the Wizard turned his eyes back to watch the Dragon flight. Over his shoulder he spoke to me: We shall offer the prayers and blessing to weave naturally. This will not take long for Ill have stopped time. Its just a little trick of mine and theyll go out as they always do, gifts from us all into this day that is new. So if you will send out a call to each of our friends, the more riders the merrier as this day begins. Absolutely! I replied. Oh my friends do hurry to the Wizards side. So much excitement awaits here for you. The lookout makes a perfect landing pad for the Dragons to use. Im so excited, arent you? I cant wait to hear what you can share of your news, of all that youll have seen after the portal youve passed through. Whoot! Whoot! See you when you get here!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:46:27 +0000

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