Easiest ways to lose weight: 1. Drink water instead of juices - TopicsExpress


Easiest ways to lose weight: 1. Drink water instead of juices or soda. (dont add flavor mixture to it either, thats no different than sugary concentrated fruit juice) 2. Avoid ultra-processed foods and excess SUGAR and BREAD. 3. Increase intake of dark, leafy greens 4. Increase intake of saturated fat.. YOUR BODY AND BRAIN NEED/REQUIRE/DEMAND NUTRIENTS WITH FAT. WHEN YOU DEPRIVE YOUR BODY OF NATURAL, EARTH-GROWN FAT SOURCES IT TAKES ALL OF THE SYNTHETIC FAT FREE BULLSHIT YOU THINK IS BENEFICIAL AND STORES IT ON YOUR ASS AND WAIST BECAUSE IT THINKS YOURE IN A FAMINE PERIOD AND CANT GET ADEQUATE NUTRITION. DONT BE A FOX NEWS HEADLINE READER AND EQUATE THE CONTENT OF REAL BUTTER OR COCONUT OIL TO THE FAT ROLLS YOU CANT SEEM TO GET RID OF. THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING REPEATEDLY AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS. ....and no, Subway isnt a better choice than McDonalds... Sorry for all of you delusional folks.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:54:48 +0000

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