Ebola Ebolavirus The Ebola virus ( ebolavirus ) is a virus - TopicsExpress


Ebola Ebolavirus The Ebola virus ( ebolavirus ) is a virus of the family filoviridae and gender filovirus, situation taxonómica which shares with the virus marburg. Is the pathogen cause of the disease Ebola, an infectious disease very serious, that applies both to human beings, and other species of mammals. This name comes from the river Ebola ( in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the former Zaire ), Where was identified by the first time in 1976 for an epidemic with high mortality. That is the Ebola? The Ebola is a serious illness caused by the virus that wears the same name. It affects people, and a Primate not humans ( and monkeys, Gorillas, the chimpanzees ). In Africa, the cases are associated with the handling of these animals, in addition to the bats frugívoros, among others. The disease can be a cause a mortality rate of up to the 90 %. Its symptoms are - At the beginning, fever, pain muscle, head and throat. Then theres vómitos and diarrhea, volcanic in the skin, dysfunction renal and hepática, and hemorragias. How is trasmite? The Ebola se trasmite by direct contact with organs, blood, secreciones or other liquid intense physical of animals or people infected. The infection of the disease can only confirm by means of evidence in the lab. When we should look for medical care? Before any of the symptoms, you must go immediately to the establishment of health and more close. In addition, Immediately after having been in an area affected by the disease, and / or has had a direct contact with an infected person, or with a chance to be. What are we doing in Peru? The Ministry of health issued a warning epidemiological for establishments of health, to ensure that the staff, aid to remain vigilant to the income of suspected cases. This measure is spreading to airports and other entry points to the country, which should be warning a traveller from the affected areas in Africa. Automatically Translated
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 02:59:33 +0000

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