Edgar Lee Masters (1868–1950). Spoon River Anthology. - TopicsExpress


Edgar Lee Masters (1868–1950). Spoon River Anthology. 1916. My two favorites (usually) 135. Roscoe Purkapile SHE loved me. Oh! how she loved me! I never had a chance to escape From the day she first saw me. But then after we were married I thought She might prove her mortality and let me out, 5 Or she might divorce me. But few die, none resign. Then I ran away and was gone a year on a lark. But she never complained. She said all would be well, That I would return. And I did return. 10 I told her that while taking a row in a boat I had been captured near Van Buren Street By pirates on Lake Michigan, And kept in chains, so I could not write her. She cried and kissed me, and said it was cruel, 15 Outrageous, inhuman! I then concluded our marriage Was a divine dispensation And could not be dissolved, Except by death. 20 I was right. 136. Mrs. Purkapile HE ran away and was gone for a year. When he came home he told me the silly story Of being kidnapped by pirates on Lake Michigan And kept in chains so he could not write me. I pretended to believe it, though I knew very well 5 What he was doing, and that he met The milliner, Mrs. Williams, now and then When she went to the city to buy goods, as she said. But a promise is a promise And marriage is marriage, 10 And out of respect for my own character I refused to he drawn into a divorce By the scheme of a husband who had merely grown tired Of his marital vow and duty.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:04:25 +0000

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