Egypt lived sixty years of military rule during which it witnessed - TopicsExpress


Egypt lived sixty years of military rule during which it witnessed grave human rights violations, suppression of freedom, financial and administrative corruption and the acquisitions of wealth and power by a limited group of families. On 25 January 2011, the world witnessed a great popular revolution in Egypt that resulted in Mubarak, the head of the regime for the past 30 years, stepping aside (11 February 2011). Thereafter, the junta took management of the country’s affairs. Beginning the following year, there were five electoral benefits: the referendum on constitutional amendments, the parliamentary elections, Shura Council elections which the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won them with an overwhelming majority, and the presidential election in which the FJP candidate Dr. Mohamed Morsi won the post of the Republic President to be the first elected Egyptian president in Egypts history. The whole world witnessed the integrity of these elections in which Egyptians stood in long lines to participate in the birth of their democracy, then the Supreme Constitutional Court (whose members are part of the former regime) dissolved the parliament a few days before the elected president took power. This was the first of infringement on the will of the people. Since Dr. Mohamed Morsi took power on 30 June 2012, many plots were woven against him by the former regimes deep state. One year later on 30 June 2013, the remnants of the former regime and some of his opponents held a demonstration under the auspices of the army and police and amid a biased and instigator media campaign which formed a cover for a military coup--a coup that was arranged for internally and externally. On 3 July 2013, the first civilian elected Egyptian president was kidnapped and his whereabouts are still unknown. The coup leader kidnapped the will of the Egyptian people by deposing their president, dissolving their parliament and canceling their constitution--all of which were chosen through free and fair elections. Instead, the coup leader appointed a president who came on the back of a tank and closed any media platform that tries to uncover the truth. In response, the opponents of this coup staged a peaceful sit-in at Rabaa El Adaweya and Al Nahda squares. Although Rabaa Square is surrounded by many military installations and housing compounds for officers, there were no cases of protestors attacking any one of them (according to testimonies of the African Union and EU delegations). As the numbers of protestors increased, the army and police forces adopted the brute force principle and killed more than 400 peaceful protestors and injured thousands in two incidents. However, the protestors continued. And the silence of the world towards these attacks on the protestors allowed the coup leaders to commit the major massacre on August 14th to break up the peaceful sit-ins where more than 3,000 were killed and around 10,000 were injured by the army and police special forces. As if that was not enough, the coup leaders burned the corpses in an attempt to hide the evidence. They even burned alive the injured who were transferred to Rabaa Al Adaweya Mosque (which was used as a field hospital). Then, they started a mass arrests campaign and fabricated charges against them, especially the members of the FJP. Finally, they imposed a state of emergency in the country. Contrary to the coup leaders’ expectations, the masses again took to the streets in all of Egypts provinces and were once again met with indiscriminate murder and arrest by the army and police. However, the protestors continue to demonstrate until now in all of Egypts provinces and various countries around the world. The repressive coup regime continues to kill, intimidate and arrest peaceful, honorable protesters. They are terrorizing anyone that opposes them such that they are arresting women and young girls from their homes at night and detaining them in unknown locations. Not only does this repressive coup regime demonize the protestors through their state-run media outlets, they fabricate charges against them and control the court judgements as well. The Egyptian people, who love peace, freedom and democracy and presented to the world one of the greatest civilizations in history, insist on completing their revolution and await a word of truth from the honest and free people of the world to restore the democratic process and respect for human rights and we call on all countries of the world, especially the European Union to unequivocally: 1 - Condemn the coup for their clear actions against freedom, justice, and human rights 2 - Boycott the coup government and all its representatives and diplomats 3 - Prosecute in international courts all those with blood on their hands
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:05:42 +0000

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