Eid Mubark , Ramadan and the softer genteel side of yours truly - TopicsExpress


Eid Mubark , Ramadan and the softer genteel side of yours truly There are exceptions for every rule.. today was one of . The one to topic I always avoid talking, discussing or preaching is the topic of religion I have firm believes that my religion or lack thereof is very privet and intimate relationship between me and my believe system if I must talk about this matter I always made sure to make the discloser .. ( folks please dont judge Islam or Muslims by using me as an example .. its not fair for Islam or for Muslims).. my hot temper.. my tendency to be easily provoked and reaction is harsh and often disproportion to what I perceived as infringement on my rights.. Thankfully I dont hold grudge but if someone to step on my toes. I become rather nasty .. having lived under repressive criminal regime .. I vowed when I left Syria few decades away to NEVER Again to allow anybody to push me around ..NEVER !! For the last three years plus .. I been glued to the internet trying to keep up with all the horror taking place in my beloved old country .. today I had an appointment to clean my teeth, it was also a chance to do some serious grocery.. ie. loading half what Saras bakery a Mediterranean supermarket that have everything.. I dont go there often but when I do I shop enough stuff for weeks.. As I made it to the nearby rail station .. I was thinking of the Eid, Ramadan, how many kids back home will go to bed hungry ETC.. I Saw this tired , unsure, visibility broken old gentleman. you dont need a degree in psychology to figure out the man in desperate needs for help .. I looked at with assuring smile and said cheerfully ( you know its our Christmas today.. so as you can see I am taking self–indulgent to new highest ) The Gentleman face brightened up asking if he can set next to me ..( they said there is food Bank that gives food and grocery to the needy .. wonder if you can tell me where is it ..) I told him I am not aware that Dallas have such thing.. I do know they have soup kitchen where I use to volunteer in past years .. but I have a proposal I hope you will take no offense , but I went overboard with my shopping.. what you say we share what I have.. you going to eat things before , Lamb ground meat, olive, Syrian string cheese Hummus and Baba gannoug , Pita bread and my favorite Persian baby cucumber the man was speechless .. we spilt everything in half , gave him little pocket money , shock his hand and I was going to get on my train .. he asked me what about this Christmas thing ?? I said I am a MUSLIM and today is our Eid . its the equivalent of Christmas to you.. :)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:01:37 +0000

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