Elections are less than a month away. The candidate signs are - TopicsExpress


Elections are less than a month away. The candidate signs are everywhere. On lawns and street corners. The Founding Fathers said we should vote for principle. However, when we go to the voting booth, principles arent on the ballot, names are. That means that the character of the person we vote for and principles go hand in hand. Remember that we are a republic. That means “we the people” elect representatives to make decisions on our behalf. Most of us are very busy. Its difficult to be up to date on every issue and every bill thats before a governing body. So we need to make sure the person we elect to represent us is qualified and trusted. In early America an important aspect of Church life was the preaching of election sermons. This was to point out the moral and religious issues at stake in civil and political affairs. One Clergyman, Samuel Langdon, gave a message before the Massachusetts legislature in 1788. He pointed out how important it is that we choose the right men for the job. He said, “On the people...it depends whether wise men, or fools, good or bad men, shall govern. Therefore, I will now lift up my voice and cry aloud to the people...” Langdon points out that if bad men are in the government, its because we made a bad choice. He went on to point out what kind of men should be elected. When we vote we should do our research. What kind of person are we voting for? This person should be known for wisdom and honesty. Men who fear God and hate covetousness. Those kinds of people cant be bribed. They should love truth and righteousness. They should sincerely desire whats good for the people as a whole. Legislators and Judges are bound by God, honor, and duty to make sure laws are constitutional. They owe it to us and the next generation to make sure the Constitution is honored. What does it tell you about a legislator who votes on a law if hes ignorant of the law of the land? How can he interpret a bill if hes ignorant as to how it relates to the Constitution? Most jobs require long courses of reading and study before one is qualified for that job. But today everyone thinks hes born a legislator! A legislator therefore must be a man of reflection, diligence, and virtue. He must know the Constitution backwards and forwards. Without these, hes unfit for office. Bad laws are created in ignorance. Even well meaning people can be extremely ignorant. We must look for the combination of wisdom and love in a legislator. Sir William Blackstone said that in his day in England, “Rash and inexperienced workmen have ventured to refine” the laws of the land “with all the rage of modern improvement.” A Constitution can be destroyed by sincere men who have very little wisdom. Langdon said that if we choose unwise and bad men into office, we will “soon have bad men for counselors, corrupt judges...and officers in every department who will dishonor their stations.” So if we are to choose wise and good men we need to know if they are men of character and wise. That means that “we the people” should have a basic understanding of correct principles. ----- National Center For Constitutional Studies----
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:25:16 +0000

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