Emberly is big into reading peoples birth stories, so as we were - TopicsExpress


Emberly is big into reading peoples birth stories, so as we were at the hospital last night seeing our new baby niece, Roxie Elizabeth. She was just so beautiful, and I am so proud of my brother and sister-in-law and big brother Bryson. They are three amazing people that I love dearly, and am blessed to have as my family. I look forward to watching our children grow up together. But as I looked at her behind the glass, getting her first bottle from the nurse, I was hit by an overwhelming sense of thankfulness for my own wife and girls, and it made me think of when both of our girls were born. Lilah-Belle was born in at Cabell Huntington Hospital, and I remember looking through the glass at her. I was dying to hold her again, but we had to wait until they had gotten her all cleaned up, and Emberly went almost 2 hours without getting to see her. I remember lying there in the hospital room with Em, and when we got so tired we couldnt stay awake any longer, we had to call the nurse to come and get L.B. and take her back to the nursery. It was such a horrible feeling to just not have her in the room anymore, that I laid there and cried. I cried like a little girl. But finally after a couple of days in the hospital, we were allowed to come home with our first baby girl. It was an experience that I am glad we had, but something we didnt want to repeat. So, when Sadie came along, Em decided to go to the Birth Center at Teays Valley. Em didnt have to be hooked up to any kind of i.v. or machines. She didnt have to lay there in a bed and labor, she was able to move around and do what she felt like doing. It was during this time that my wife became even more of a hero to me than she already was, because she was able to deliver Sadie with absolutely no interventions, no medicine, and no help from a doctor. The midwife was basically just there for the catch at the end of labor. With nothing but the prayers of myself and her doula to help her through the birth, Emberly gave birth to a beautiful head of hair with an even more beautiful baby attached. A few minutes later, Emberly was holding miss Sadie in her arms, and positively glowing with pride. Then, a few minutes later, Lilah-Belle got to come in and pet on her baby sister for the first time. We were able to just hold Sadie and love on her as much as we wanted. No one ever came to take her away from us for any reason, and we got to go home about 5 hours after she was born. It was an amazing experience that still blows me away to think about. I realize that this is an extremely long post, but in short I just want to say that all of my days of thankfulness would read just like this, Day _ : I am thankful for my wife, Emberly, and the two amazing little princesses God blessed us to bring into this world, Lilah-Belle and Sadie, and for the Awesome God who has place us together in this life. Without my heavenly Father, I wouldnt know how to be a father to my girls or a husband to my beautiful wife.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:10:59 +0000

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