End of the MB Spring International intervention is the solution, - TopicsExpress


End of the MB Spring International intervention is the solution, or so the Muslim Brotherhood seems to think. Now we can see the true aim of the Muslim Brotherhood and those who back it with material, media and moral support. When Muslim Brotherhood militias launched an attack at dawn on Monday 8 July, against army units guarding a Republican Guard building, their aims were exposed. The loss of life that followed had only one purpose: to call for foreign intervention against what the Muslim Brotherhood and its friends consider a “military coup” against a legitimate government. This notion of “military coup” was paramount in the political discourse of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Salafi and jihadist friends. It was also the rallying cry for their allies abroad, for the chapters of their international outfit and for the Islamists in Afghanistan and Turkey. Even the Turkish government, unfortunately, bought it. The Americans, with typical incoherence, chimed in. It is as if they were all in denial; the scenes of millions of people taking to the streets to demand Mohamed Morsi step down didn’t register with them. No one took the trouble to think why more than 22 million people signed Tamarod’s petition to hold early elections, or why the signatures were collected within less than two months and by a group that had very limited means. And yet, US Ambassador Anne Patterson volunteered the view that “street protests are not the way to achieve change.” Remarks of this type are what prompted some to describe Patterson as the American “high commissioner”, a reference to the time of the British occupation, implying that we are under US occupation now. The Muslim Brotherhood, instead of reversing this occupation that has lasted for 30 years or more, reinforced it. Morsi won the elections with a small margin (51 per cent) — so small indeed that some say that he wasn’t the real winner. And he failed, in his year in power, to step up to his responsibilities. This is why the people decided to end his rule. The people decided to exercise their constitutional right to choose who governs them, and all they asked for was early presidential elections. They even asked Morsi, as head of state, to take this initiative while in office. The Egyptian people didn’t demand non-democratic change. All they demanded was early elections, which is a standard procedure in situations such as this. It is not unheard of, in democratic presidential systems, for early elections to be held when the popularity of the incumbent president has eroded and when the nation demands change. The Americans know that, and the Muslim Brotherhood does too. But they showed no interest in such an obvious solution. The reason has nothing to do with the interests of people in this country and everything to do with the schemes in which the Muslim Brotherhood is involved. The Americans gave their backing to a coup against Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, and they currently support the overthrow of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria on the grounds that the nation doesn’t want him anymore. Washington supported the Egyptians when they wanted to bring Hosni Mubarak down, but not when they wanted to bring Morsi down. Why? Is it because the army sided with the people? But the army did exactly what it did during the 25 January Revolution. Back then the army even took power, something that it refrained to do this time. The obvious conclusion one is forced to reach is that there are other motivations that bring the Muslim Brotherhood and the Americans together; that there is a bigger scheme involving the two, a scheme that may also involve the Zionist entity. We were offered a glimpse into the nature of this relation when Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohamed Al-Beltagui declared, in front of a crowd of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Rabaa Al-Adawiya district last Monday, that “if General Al-Sisi were to restore Morsi to his position as president of the republic, all the incidents that are happening in Sinai will come to a stop.” One can only interpret such a remark as an admission that the Muslim Brotherhood has a hand in the ongoing attacks in Sinai. Then, there is the call for foreign intervention, which suggests that the ongoing events in Egypt are but an attempt to repeat the Syrian scenario here as well, which would be a perfect ending for the Arab Spring from the point of view of the Muslim Brotherhood and the US. But the Egyptian people are not going to let this happen. Our people will once again disappoint the Muslim Brotherhood, the US, Qatar, Turkey and others.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 12:50:50 +0000

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