Enlightened Amy is the one who does the readings. Enlightened Amy - TopicsExpress


Enlightened Amy is the one who does the readings. Enlightened Amy says a lot of really intelligent things to people and other people nearby listen and think, Wow! Amy is really enlightened! Amy is the keeper of Enlightened Amy. Theyre friends. They talk sometimes. Amy is still figuring stuff out. The more I do readings, I the more Enlightened Amy speaks to others and then to me. So basically, Amy is not enlightened. Amy is just a person who, like everyone else, has multiple parts with different feelings and skills and needs. Enlightened Amy just lives within her. When Im working, Im enlightened. When Im not, Im figuring it out like the rest of us. We all have different versions of ourselves within our bodies and minds who want different things. You CAN feel two or three or seven different ways at the same time. You CAN want multiple different things that conflict with each other. You can feel both gratitude and sadness within the same skin and still be a healthy person. You can feel anger and contentment. Whatever you feel, its *your* job to honor it. Its not anyone elses. If you feel sad, its *your* job to take care of yourself. If you feel several different feelings, its your job to identify what they all are and find ways to hold space for them all within you. The more you fight their presence within your body, the more they fight to stay. If you let your emotions, no matter how complicated, have a home within you, the parts of you that feel that way will feel safe. You are allowed to feel fear. You are allowed to feel jealousy.Treat these parts of yourself the way you would treat children you loved, because in a way, thats what they are - your children. They are your first children. They are all you. When I cant feel the Enlightened parts of me, thats when I know that some other part of me needs attention. For me, that enlightened side comes through more clearly when Ive acknowledged everything else working behind the surface. When people identify you as only one of your parts, you develop pressure to always be that way. Amy is so happy! Amy is so silly! Amy is so enlightened! The point is that Im a lot of things. We all are. And we cant let it be okay to only give center stage to the parts of us that are valued more to others. Its not about what other people place value on - its about what YOU place value on. My fear tells me about the things I havent explored enough. My sadness tells me about things that I need to be gentle about not rushing through, even if it takes more time than is conventional. Your emotions, despite what were taught to believe, do not need to follow some standard deviation. If it takes you four years to get over something, well guess what - thats normal for YOU. Facebook is not the greatest at presenting an accurate picture of life. We post pictures of ourselves that we want to celebrate. We talk about things that generally feed the parts of us that are already getting enough attention. What of those other neglected, ugly parts? Where do they go to get the love? Maybe the solution is to write more about things that arent so pretty. Or maybe we could just take pause and recognize when were feeling a way that we wouldnt want to talk about - thats when you know that you SHOULD talk about it. Thats when you know that its something that lurks and sulks in the shadows of your mind waiting to be acknowledged. The better we get at expressing these sorts of unloved feelings, the better well get at processing our own confusion. It might also mean that people will see us as whole beings, and not just the celebrated or enlightened versions of ourselves that we wear outside of the hidden feelings. Be more open. Be more vulnerable. Give yourself a little more space to grow.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:54:16 +0000

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