Eric Hayes posted ALL below at: - TopicsExpress


Eric Hayes posted ALL below at: personalliberty/10-step-program-constitutional-recovery/ THE LIBERTY AMENDMENT `Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial, or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution. `Section 2. The constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of the United States, shall not be subject to the terms of any foreign or domestic agreement which would abrogate this amendment. `Section 3. The activities of the United States Government which violate the intent and purposes of this amendment shall, within a period of three years from the date of the ratification of this amendment, be liquidated and the properties and facilities affected shall be sold. `Section 4. Three years after the ratification of this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, estates, and gifts.. The Liberty Amendment has been designed to fight all these different battles on a multitude of issues all at once – and WIN by restoring the Constitution to full force and effect. Look over the following list of battles that will be won by the application of the Liberty Amendment, then lets get together for the main event and win them at once, because the Liberty Amendment will: Kill the specter of inflation. Restore the right of the people to take home a full pay check. End the involuntary servitude of the Withholding system. Halt the confiscation of land and enterprise, restoring both to the people and state jurisdiction. Restore to the people the right to have their local city and county officials run affairs without federal dictation or mandates. Transfer to the states and the people the millions of acres of land now held by the federal government in violation of the Constitution. Prevent the destruction of our sovereign nation by one world governance with unelected global elitists bureaucrats. Put an end to the IRS audits of personal income and affairs and being used to harass and intimidate citizens who speak up for their rights. Restore the Constitution and put us back on the road to greatness Balance the budget by limiting spending to constitutionally specified purposes – this will reduce the cost to one that we can afford. Cut the cost of the federal government in less than half. Protect private property and enterprise from political corruption, and end the unconstitutional federal government land grab projects. Suspend the princely privilege of rent free, tax exempt political enterprises. Get the power business back to economic management. Stop the corruption of urban renewal. Abolish all the unconstitutional projects under the guise of environmental protection and job safety. Put the defense department back into the business of defending us instead of competing with those that it defends. Restore the defense of the United States against attack by enemies, both foreign and domestic, as the first and primary responsibility of the Federal Government, as intended by the Founders of the Constitution. Halt the federal failing operation and control of schools and restore control to local jurisdiction. Permanently arrest the threat of socialized medicine. Stop the impoverishment of the people with our so-called poverty programs. Eliminate the threat of mental health programs. Disengage us from detrimental international entanglements and unconstitutional use of our military. Reestablish our independence from foreign domination. Stop the federal government from being the number one arms merchant of the world. Reassert the power of liberty to the captive peoples of the world. Terminate Supreme Court violations of the Constitution. Eliminate the special privilege of the tax exempt foundations (so many of which currently support anti-liberty activities) by extending tax exemption to all. Restore farm control to farmers and eliminate farm subsidies. Stop the issuance of funny money and restore a sound currency Put coinage back into the hands of Congress. Stop the terrible waste of billions of hours and billions of dollars worth of effort now spent in filling out unnecessary federal government forms. Cut-off Foreign Aid to foreign tyrants. Stop the political foul-up of our economy. Get our own innovative industrial economy moving again. Put the people in control of energy instead of having federal interference for the benefit of special interest. Restore to elected state and local governments the powers which have been usurped by unelected regional government bureaucracies. It will put and end to the federal takeover of local police forces through the system of federal grants and control, and restore Posse Comitatus to full force and effect. It will stop the federal government from funding programs which incite racial strife and tensions. It will let the people put an end to the energy crisis instead of having the government make it worse as an excuse for more taxes. It will let the people concentrate on useful pursuits instead spending time, energy, and money playing the crazy tax loophole game. It will restore the American Dream for the young people of being able to own their own homes. Establish the blessings of equity and justice in all our business relations. Enable the people to support the charities of their choice instead of being forced at the point of a gun to support those good causes selected by the bureaucrats. Eliminate the abusive use of the Executive Order and Presidential Decisions to make laws and implement provisions of unratified treaties by withholding funds from unconstitutional activities, thus eliminating government by fiat. ... and oh yes, last but by no means least: It will repeal the federal personal income tax. The Liberty Amendment will renew personal freedom – the ability of individuals to exercise their God-given rights with a minimum of dependence on, and interference from, the Federal Government. It will restore to ourselves and to future generations the advantages which we inherited from our forefathers – advantages which made us the most fortunate people on earth. Economic freedom, without which no freedom is possible, will be renewed by terminating federal competition with free enterprise and interference in our economy. When this has been accomplished, federal personal income, estate, and gift taxes will be unnecessary. So this Amendment will further renew economic freedom by terminating these taxes. The Liberty Amendment is designed to regain the Constitutionally guaranteed powers reserved to the States and to the people. We are requesting that all States consider the urgent need to save the sovereignty of the States, the United States in its true Constitutionally framed Republic, and the Individual Liberty of all of our People. WWW.SOARPROJECT.US
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:06:29 +0000

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