Essential Information!!! Times are changing, the economy is - TopicsExpress


Essential Information!!! Times are changing, the economy is going down, companies everywhere are constantly retrenching and down sizing, politicians are busy bombarding people with false empty promises, petrol is going up every month and the cost of living is constantly going up as a result; there are wars everywhere; the world resources are becoming depleted and oil is becoming very scarce which of course has a direct impact on the ever increasing fuel prices. Give yourself 10 minutes to carefully read this entire article; it is jam-packed full of empowering info!!! My research reveals that people are more unemployed now more than ever in the economic history of South Africa and the world, and this situation is expected to become even worse over the next 10 years. This will be caused primarily by the ever increasing fuel prices which are anticipated to sky rocket by up to 150% within the next 10 years thus having a direct impact on the economy and the cost of living. Guys, we are facing a massive economic crisis that will leave hundreds of thousands of people stranded with no where to run to if they are not prepared. Let me make this a bit more practical for you. Back in the year 2010 the big container of Black Cat peanut butter was R27 but today it costs R49 or more depending on where you do your grocery shopping. Let me do the maths for you: This simply means that in a space of 4 years the price of Black Cat peanut butter went up by 82%. I know that for sure because I use to buy peanut butter. At this rate we can expect that in the year 2017 (3 years from now) peanut butter will cost at least R98. Another practical example: Back in the year 2005 a litre of petrol in South Africa was R5.50 and I remember very well because for R300 we would get a full tank for an Opel Corsa and get some change. This simply means that in a space of 9 years the petrol price has gone up by 160%. At this rate we can expect that in the year 2020 a litre of petrol will cost at least R30 per litre. But I have bad news for you, petrol will cost even more in year 2020 because of the increasing scarcity of oil (crude oil) in the world. Those who have studied economics know the “law of supply and demand”, it states that: If something is scarce and is in high demand, the price for that item will be very high. So that is exactly what is happening to the fuel prices; there is a shortage of oil but there are even more cars today than ever before in history which obviously means that petrol is in very high demand; therefore the price of petrol must be high. The same goes for diesel and paraffin as they are all oil based fuels. Now, just in case you do not know, when the fuel prices go up everything goes up, the cost of living becomes more and more expensive, at the same time, large companies are facing scarcity of resources and are battling to maintain their profit margins, and so in desperation to maintain their profits, they downsize staff and get the remaining few staff members to work twice as hard. That is why people are loosing their jobs and that is anticipated to get much worse in the coming years. So if you are searching for a job and hoping for job security, think again. If you are searching for a job and hoping to become wealthy, think again. If you are searching for a job and hoping to find one, think again. The truth is people are loosing their jobs everyday, and those who are still employed live under constant fear of retrenchment. Also, those who are employed are always tired because they are being over worked doing the job of 2 or more people and literally never get quality time for leisure or to spend with their loved ones. The truth is companies are NOT hiring, they are busy retrenching, but politicians are very good at creating the illusion that there are jobs. What jobs are these politicians talking about??? Where are the jobs??? Don’t get fooled by these desperate politicians who will stop at nothing to get your votes. Allow me to ask: Are you working your dream job? Are you even employed at all? How many people do you know who are actually working descent jobs and are happy with their income? Do not be fooled, its time to wake up. Did you know that 1 out of every 1000 people who are looking for jobs actually gets a “descent job”, and 3 get lousy jobs? By descent job I mean a job that you went to school for, I mean a permanent job, I mean a job where you earn a monthly salary of at least R10,000 (1000 USD) or more per month. By lousy jobs I mean temporary jobs, I mean hard labour jobs, I mean low wage jobs. So in every 1000 jobseekers, 1 gets a descent job and 3 get lousy jobs; what about the other 996 jobseekers who are also desperate for employment; what happens to them? Perhaps, you are one of those people who have been sending CV’s left right and centre with no results; maybe you have been searching for a job for the past 2 years and you are still unemployed. Maybe you have been invited to plenty interviews along the way, but sadly those interviews never materialised into an employment contract. The Truth is that fully qualified graduates who have Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, Masters, Honours and Doctorate Qualifications are sitting at home with their qualifications or at best are working in neighbourhood grocery stores as cashiers, general workers or doing some lousy job that they have absolutely no interest in -earning a minimum wage. It is so bad that even qualified teachers and nurses are sitting at home failing to find employment. Corruption is also a major contributing factor to this situation. That is the end of my research on the economic crisis we are facing and the unemployment in our country and in the world at this present moment. So what can be done; what is the solution to this social and economic predicament? The answer is: NETWORK MARKETING OR MULTI LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) Network Marketing is a new way of distributing products and services over to consumers. It makes use of word of mouth advertising and word of mouth referral of certain products or services. EG: If you go to your local supermarket and discover that there is a half price “Sale” on all dairy products, not only are you gonna buy, but you will also tell your friends and neighbors about the big sale -right? Network Marketing operates on that principle of word of mouth advertising, but this time, you get paid for your word of mouth advertising unlike when you tell your friend about a big sale at your local supermarket. Nowwa day companies refrain from paying millions of rands or dollars for advertising campaigns on TV, Radio and magazines; instead their incentivize normal people to advertise for them by word of mouth to their peers, associates, family etc... And they pay the respective person according to the results of their advertising effort. EG: If your local supermarket was using this method of marketing, they would say something like:- For every person you bring to our shop to buy, we will pay you a certain amount of money, then obviously, instead of telling just 2 or 3 people, you will make sure that you tell as many people as possible so that you can earn more money while you are at it. It happens to work for both the supermarket and the person who is calling people- right? But of course your local supermarket is not using this marketing system; they use the traditional old fashioned method of marketing and advertising. There is a new paradigm of Marketing that has emerged. There are companies these days that we call Network Marketing Companies. They dont advertise on TV, Radio and Magazines, they only advertise their products or services through word of mouth advertising. They invite people like you and me to come and buy from them, and then entice us to go and tell others about such products, in so doing, they pay you MONEY for you sales and marketing effort. It’s that simple!!! Remember I said that Network Marketing Companies do not pay for official advertising; they survive on word of mouth advertising. Do you know how expensive it is to place one advert on TV- it can cost millions of rands; so they save on advertising costs and use that money to entice people to advertise for them and they will pay them according to their advertising effort; that way people go out there telling as many people as they can about these products or services because they want to earn money. There are too many companies now using this system of marketing and advertising. There are well over 20,000 different companies world wide and about 50 companies here in South Africa using this system. The popular one here in South Africa is called IFA (Clientele Life) They sell insurance and policies through this system, you might have seen or heard of them?? There are many companies. Others sell kitchen ware, others sell make up, others sell perfumes, others sell health care products, and on and on and on... I want to bring your attention to one particular one: FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS makes health care products; herbal products that help heal the body from various diseases. The catch is, ...since these companies are so many, one must carefully examine the payment structure and benefits to suit his or her needs. Just like in the corporate world, these companies have different payment structures and benefits. Some pay more than others, some pay much more than others and some simply out rank all the others. Yes this is part of my work, to educate people everywhere about this new distribution model which they could use as individuals to earn an extra income in an honest dignified way. Seriously, when I first discovered about this kind of marketing about 2 years ago, I did an extensive research to learn more about the industry and to know how to excel in the industry. What I discovered is that these companies sell many different things. But among the ones that sell health products, FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS has the best payment plan (compensation plan) according to my research. I have proven it again and again to many people who asked me to prove it, some of whom were distributors from other Network Marketing Companies. The end result is that they shift over to FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS when they realize the power of our compensation plan. I would like to interest you in a very lucrative self employment opportunity (business opportunity) offered by FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS, an MLM Business opportunity like no other. Independent Distributors of FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS are the highest paid Network Marketers in an industry that has over twenty thousand (20,000) different MLM Companies. Our Distributors make money in the two main ways: 1) They market and retail the high quality Aloe Vera based health care products and they enjoy 43% retail profit for life; 2) They market and promote the unique business concept of Independent Distributorship to other people and enjoy a powerful source of ever-increasing residual or passive income. This is how we can convert you into being a Multi-Millionaire. Here are 10 reasons why starting your business with Forever Living Products is the smartest thing you can do: 1) This is an international health & wellness company found in over 160 countries worldwide; this gives you an opportunity to expand your business to over 160 countries worldwide. 2) Company was founded in 1978 which means that the company is 36 years old this year, so you can trust that it is here to stay – it has certainly stood the test of time. 3) Offers its distributors the highest retail profit of 43% for each and every product they sell. 4) Did you know that “Health” is the most searched term on Google; this means that people are generally sick these days and are looking for solutions to their health problems, so if you involve yourself with a company that makes good quality health care products such as FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS – You will make a lot of money – it’s that simple! 5) The Executive Team (Management) has over 300 years collective MLM (Network Marketing) and Direct Selling experience, so the company has a solid management as its backbone. 6) Our Distributors are the highest paid distributors in the MLM (Network Marketing) & Direct Selling industry. Distributors from reputable MLM Companies such as AMWAY, GNLD, HERBAL LIFE; EDMARK; TIANCH; TIENS; GREENWORLD; TASLY; AVON; TUPPERWARE and many others shift over to FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS when they realise that for the same effort, they can DOUBLE, TRIPLE or even QUADRUPLE their monthly income. This is because our compensation plan is the most generous compensation plan in the entire MLM industry; it optimises the efforts of the distributor like no other!!! 7) In an industry that has over twenty thousand (20,000) MLM Companies, FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS is the best above all of them that is the main reason why we have been getting too many distributors from other MLM Companies within the past 15 years; simply because they realise this fact and take action immediately and watch their income sky rocket in a relatively short space of time. 8) FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS has nearly 10 Million distributors worldwide. 9) No Joining FEE, just buy stock and instantly become a distributor – easy like that! 10) No yearly renewal fees, membership is FREE and PERMANENT. Lets be honest, the one thing that we are all after is MONEY. But with so many MLM Companies out there; how do you know which one to choose; what should you look for to ensure a smart informed decision; how do you know where to look? Let us help you… Joining FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS is the smartest business decision you could ever make because distributors from other MLM Companies work hard; but our distributors work SMART and get the best money for their effort. People who are employed are always searching for greener pastures in terms of better employment with better salaries and better benefits; it is exactly the same with Network Marketing; these MLM companies offer different income packages and different packages, some are better than others, some are much better than others, and some simply outrank all the others. Our MLM Team is called Wealth Makers Team, and we seek individuals who are very serious about creating extraordinary wealth for themselves and generations to come. As Wealth Makers Team, we make use of FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL, an MLM Company which has stood the test of time and proven to be the absolute best MLM Company in the world. You are now officially invited to be part of a winning MLM team - Wealth Makers Team, and the best MLM Company – FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS. wealthmakers.zohosites As Wealth Makers Team, we work as a team to help you achieve extraordinary success. We have strategies that are unique to our team that help each and every team member to grow and become successful. When you join our team, you take an oath to become a Multi-Millionaire within 2 – 4 years and we are here to make absolutely sure that it happens. Our team is the only MLM Team that has a “Guaranteed Success Mentorship Programme” which is a programme that guarantees your success as a team member. This is a 12 month program where we guarantee you that if you follow all the rules and regulations of the “Guaranteed Success Mentorship Programme” and follow all the advice and coaching we will provide you, in 12 months or less you are guaranteed to be earning no less than R45,000 (5000 USD) per month from Forever Living Products. We stick our neck out and give you a 100% success guarantee simply because we know what we are talking about. Just imagine the possibilities!!! NB: Please note that when we boldly say that FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS is the best MLM in the world, we are not making empty claims, we can prove it. TAKE MY ADVICE AND CONSIDER THIS VERY CAREFULLY because this could bring you and your family incredible wealth. Warning: Be very careful about these “make money online get-rich-quick schemes” so called online money making opportunities that are all over the internet these days with all their claims and promises, they are normally smartly engineered scams or pyramid schemes. Do your research well about the difference between a true MLM Network Marketing Company and pyramid scheme. Here is the secret: like anything worthwhile in life, you must work hard to achieve good results, so watch out for anything that claims that you can be rich without any selling or recruiting or cold calling. Ask yourself what service or product is that particular company promoting. With FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS, yes you will make a lot of money, but you will have to invest ample time and effort into it and you must be teachable – it is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme- it is a genuine money making opportunity derived from marketing reputable health care products to the public and promoting the unique business concept on offer. Contact me for more details. Sibusiso Sithole (Mr) Executive Committee Member Wealth Makers Team 27 76 198 8841 sibu.sithole@hotmail discoverforever foreverliving
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 13:34:31 +0000

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