Eureason, a term that can potentially help frame our thinking as - TopicsExpress


Eureason, a term that can potentially help frame our thinking as Afrikans, is an active, conscious, as well as subconscious, effort to ensure that European cultural imperatives become and remain logical and acceptable to others. It is the “political science” behind these imperatives. Succinctly, eureason is the entire body of logic/reasoning that drives the European interpretation of reality into others’ minds. It is the confusion that gives the illusion of a universal order to European thought and behavior. At the same time, for us, it is the Afrikan genius that, having accepted their thought as universal, determinedly seeks to rationalize the world as it has been organized by Europeans as normal for us out of this interpretation. It is the using of one’s Afrikan genius to rationalize the world out of the European interpretation of reality. While, at the same time, it is the logic that drives the European reality into others’ minds. In giving this definition more depth, we can say that eureason is the evolving cultural logic behind the eurocentrism of their minds that confuses ours. Eureason sustains and nourishes the spread of the European interpretation of reality by disrupting other cultures’ logical thought and infecting them with a world where sanity can only be achieved through the mind of Europe. It is a self-rationalizing, circular reasoning. Basing its conclusions upon its assumptions, it grafts a Western origin, purpose and honor onto every old and new constructive human thought, word and deed. And it is necessarily intolerant of other cultural interpretations because they, by their very autonomous existence, invalidate its stated and implied determination to unilaterally name and define a universal human order. As a predatory culture it preys on all others. Eureason requires those who are unwilling or unable to think their way out of the illogic of European culture to accept only European interpretations of reality. Submission to such a mentality compels them to find a way, against all human experience and even their own interests, to explain anything and everything to the European’s benefit. Although primarily operating at the subconscious level, this reasoning actively frames all of our questions and responses, so we will find answers and qualifications that depict and defend the European way as the best humanity could possibly aspire to, while exonerating their fallibility as “human” weakness. Eureason is what drives Afrikans to single-mindedly seek out any explanation for every anti-Afrikan social and individual phenomenon, except the racist prerogative of white supremacy. For too many, being without this eurocentric cultural lens would mean a devastating confusion and, ironically, the possibility of conscious action. It is the continuous search for acceptable rationalizations, for reasoning that paints European behavior as normal and natural for all civilized human beings. It is the processing of thought that seeks the European way as protection from the European way. Eureason is not static, although the origin of its European thought is. It works with you. It alters itself with time and circumstance to find a way within your thinking to take you toward the European reality. It is incessantly in the thoughts and behaviors of Afrikans who adopt European thoughts and behaviors as their own. While some of these misguided individuals may still wish to cling to being Afrikan, or to claim their newfound European thoughts and behaviors as Afrikan, they know that to completely lose their European “side” will leave them completely defenseless against the psychological assault unleashed on Afrikans who decide to absolutely follow in the traditions of their ancestors but also try to actively embrace any aspect of the European way. Whatever piece(s) of the European way they adopt and practice naturally and necessarily contains the seeds of the social disease called western culture. In the end, no matter how long or difficult the journey, or how oblivious they are to the fact that they are traveling on it, they will be brought into the European chaos. It is as inevitable as drowning in the middle of the ocean while expecting salvation from a punctured life preserver. The reason carried within every fragment of the European way will carry its sometimes unwitting possessors, like a corked bottle in the ocean, inevitably to the shores of Western reason. In the end, eureason requires a dismissal of historical effect on the present. Claiming for themselves the significance of any lasting historical cause, Europeans point a patronizing, accusatory finger at the victim wherever people have been forced into survival conditions spawned by slavery, colonization and European dominated international banking. They have instinctively remanufactured the “we’re all human” debate in order to shift the responsibility from themselves to all “mankind” as being responsible for the growing devastation of this planet and the beings in its care. When what has happened, or is happening, is unquestionably bad, or its destructive force can no longer be hidden, then eureason proclaims, “man” did it. But whatever is perceived as good or beneficial, no matter its forthcoming damage, is argued to be the work of Europeans. Without the stupor induced by eureason, we can see beyond the lies and inconsistencies. Without it we can commonsensically reason that Europeans have created a world of mutual hate for which they want humanity to accept blame. In response to eureason, Afrikans, who would be Afrikan, must establish a flow of thought, a way of thinking, that makes the struggle to remain in constant vigilance against the constantly evolving lies of eureason normal among all Afrikans. But we must first be able to identify it because eureason is the progressive cultural logic behind the eurocentrism of their minds that confuses ours. For Afrikan warrior scholars, our full truth will always remain elusive until the forces of eurocentrism have been totally dismantled in the minds of Afrikans everywhere. Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti Asafo: A Warriors Guide to Manhood
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:51:30 +0000

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