Evangelical racists and Zionists are a threat to peace and world - TopicsExpress


Evangelical racists and Zionists are a threat to peace and world harmony. Major American Jewish groups rushed to defend the bigoted Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), (an Israeli kis-sass senator) on Thursday after he was booed off stage at a gala dinner on Wednesday night for voicing solidarity with Israel and Jews. The event, a Washington, D.C. fundraiser for a suspected Iran aligned group called In Defense of Christians, for heckling Cruz, a darling of the evangelical Christian community. Speaking on stage, Cruz said Israel and the Jewish people face the same threat from radical Islam as Christians in the Middle East, adding that Christians “have no greater ally than Israel.” Audience members then booed and shouted protests, leading the senator to walk off stage and leave the event. algemeiner/2014/09/12/jewish-groups-rush-to-defend-senator-ted-cruz-after-shout-down-at-dinner/
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:40:38 +0000

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