Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, - TopicsExpress


Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the moon is full and bright! Heres a bedtime story for you and its true, every word as well as I can remember all those many years I was once attacked and bitten by a Werewolf on just such a night as tonight! It was many years ago now but I will never forget the events of that night! I was just out of the service, a tough guy, back in college and working the night shift at the local state Mental Hospital as a attendant to help with college and living expenses. There wasnt at that time a G.I. Bill yet! I had reported to work at eleven for the overnight shift and was hoping for a slow night as I had a lot of Calculus homework to do which required quiet and concentration on my part, if I was to have any hope of getting it done successfully! But there was no quiet to be had that night! I worked on the violent admissions ward, thats where they put young tough guys, nights on violent admissions where men arrested for violent crimes were frequently court ordered for evaluation when they were suspected of being mentally ill. A new patient who was being held in one of our locked isolation rooms was being very loud and restless, and I couldnt concentrate! Thats how it all began! This fellow was literally baying and howling at the full moon nonstop and I couldnt get my homework done with the constant loud distraction. At about 3AM, I had had enough, no one was supposed to enter an isolation room alone but the guy I was on shift with that night was married with kids, worked a day job as well and was down in our suicide watch room sleeping! There was no one on suicide watch that night and he was exhausted so he thought hed try and catch some Zees! I didnt want to wake him, so I went down alone! I just had to get this guy to go to bed, I hadnt checked his chart for his diagnosis but I didnt care at that moment, regardless of what ailed him, it was way past bedtime! The isolation rooms had very solid doors and they each had a window in them but with no glass. When I got down the long hall to his room I could see that he had his head stuck through the window opening and was howling into the hallway! It was no wonder that it had reverberated so loudly down to the ward office that I had hardly been able to think! He was a wiry looking guy who weighed maybe 150 lbs and he had thick black hair that was streaked with gray. I thought that he was perhaps in his late forties. I pushed his head back through the window opening, unlocked the door and entered! I found myself standing in a short hallway with a bathroom immediately on the left. A few feet further down the hallway the room opened to the left into about an 8x8 cubicle with the bed on the left hand wall and a window with a steel grate over it on the back wall! The room was dimly lit in the pale light of the full moon which shone through the window, and the steel grate cast an eerie shadow on the floor! The guy didnt speak at all when I came into the room but he slowly backed up the hall maintaining a crouched stance and growling at me as I moved forward! I told him that it was way past bedtime and that the howling had to stop and that he had to go to bed now and that I wasnt going to stand for any nonsense! I stepped forward took him by the arm and firmly guided him over to and down onto his bed! He snarled at me, but didnt resist! As I pulled the covers over him, he glared at me with his teeth clenched and exposed, but otherwise he was quiet! I then told him to stay put in bed and try to get some sleep, and under no circumstances did I want to hear another peep out of him the rest of the night! Mission accomplished with less grief then I anticipated I thought, as I turned and started back the few steps across the room to the short hallway, then out the door and back to the office and my homework finally! But such was not to be! Before I reached the far wall, and to this day I dont know how he managed it, he leaped from his bed across the room and onto my back! He landed on my back with such force that I was sent crashing into the far wall head first! From there a free-for-all ensued with him biting and clawing at my neck and with me trying desperately to get him off my back! I couldnt believe how strong the guy was! I was somewhat disoriented from hitting my head on the wall and for a few moments I thought he was going to get the best of me and rip my throat open which he seemed bent on doing with a blood lust! Finally though I managed to gather enough wits and adrenalin-driven strength together to throw him off me and a ways across the room! In the few moments this lucky move gained me, I managed to get out the door, but as I was trying to lock it behind me, he was still tearing at me through the window opening! Pretty badly beaten up and bleeding, I staggered up the hall to the rest room to check myself out! In the restroom mirror I could see the bite marks and deep scratches in my neck all oozing blood! I retrieved the first aid kit from the nurses station, returned to the rest room, cleaned and put antiseptic on the wounds and did the best I could to wash the blood off my white uniform shirt and pants! There was no way this could be reported or I might lose my job as well as cause my fellow worker to lose his for sleeping on the job! My assailant continued unabated to howl until damn near dawn. In the interim, while nursing my wounds and waiting for this awful shift to end, I looked up the guys admitting diagnosis, it said simply that he had been admitted for Lycanthropy! What in hell was that I wondered, so I looked it up in the office dictionary! It said that it was a delusion in which one imagines himself to be a wolf or in which one actually assumes the appearance and demeanor of a wolf! There it was right in the dictionary, I didnt know such a thing existed outside of old movies and horror stories! I had just survived an attack by a certified Werewolf, the real thing, on the night of a full moon! No wonder he had been so restless! I wiled away the remaining couple of hours thinking about how much the guy had looked like a wolf with his gray streaked black hair and wiry build, and then there was the matter of his incredible strength! If I hadnt had the luck to get out of there when I did, I didnt know if I would have gotten out of there at all! I pulled my collar up and sunk as deeply as I could into my shirt when I went to awaken my partner shortly before the morning crew was to show up, I said nothing to him of what had happened! And later at the shift change meeting, I reported an uneventful night! I dont know if I really believe in Werewolves, but since my youthful encounter with one, whenever the Wolfsbane is blooming and the moon is full and bright, I always find myself strangely restless and wanting to be out in the moonlight! I think Ill leave now and head on out, the moon is high and Im craving a piece of rare meat for dinner, I hope its not too late to find one! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=451189278311127&set=a.216747085088682.47088.100002601762327&type=1&theater
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 07:13:14 +0000

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