Even if there is an official list of members of the illuminati , - TopicsExpress


Even if there is an official list of members of the illuminati , yet there are strong indications that some people from the list even belong to this powerful organization that leads the world in shadow. Contrary to the idea that the Illuminati would act only in America or in the West, are members of the Illuminati in every country of the world . In fact , this organization is like a true evil octopus . I was inspired in building this list naijagists site . The same site also warns us not to be fooled by the appearance of celebrities or politicians , the coat of lambs can hide the true Illuminati wolves . In fact , members of the Illuminati are using seduction to get people on their side. There is pretty much crazy in this world who not only like the Illuminati , but I really would like to join this organization satanic . For them, I have some bad news : the Illuminati does not receive one upon request. In addition , you must be rich and famous ... otherwise , what need would you Illuminati , a poor and insignificant ? How can we predict the members of the Illuminati ? Usually only clothing and accessories they wear can read and Illuminati symbols . Keep in mind that celebrities , rich people or politicians caught with Illuminati symbols are imitators , but do intentionally , subconsciously showing the public that they are part of a great organization that leads the world. How intuit Illuminati members ? After public gestures they make . Do not forget that the first organization called for a world government and a single international authority was Illuminati. Why? Much easier to control the entire world. So what it longer, here is the list ( I just put the important personalities ) . And start with showbiz : Jay Z Dr DRE Cypress Hill Chris Brown Celine Dion Halley Berry Eminem Britney Spears Aaliyah Alicia Keys David Bowie Madonna Paris Hilton Barack Obama Aretha Franklin Bob Marley ( recently turned against the Illuminati , so he was killed) Angelina Jolie Jim Carey Bob Dylan David Bowie Michael Jackson ( recently turned against the Illuminati , so he was killed) Justin Bieber Kanye West Marilyn Manson Lady Gaga Lil Wayne 2Pac ( recently turned against the Illuminati , so he was killed) nose Rihanna P- Diddy Whitney Houston ( recently turned against the Illuminati , so he was killed ) Rihanna Kim Kardashian Lets continue with the list of politicians and the rich that were part of the Illuminati : George H. W. Bush George W. Bush Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Al Gore Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan Richard Nixon Lyndon B. Johnson John F. Kennedy Ted Kennedy Henry Kissinger Mikhail Gorbachev Guy de Rothschild John D. Rockefeller Mary Astor Clifford Dupont Andrew W. Mellon Dick Cheney Kris Kristofferson Boxcar Willie Bob Hope Elizabeth II , Queen of Great Britain Prince Philip , Duke of Edinburgh Charles , Prince of Wales Prince Andrew , Duke of York Princess Anne , Duchess of Calabria Winston Churchill Franklin D. Roosevelt Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Bill Gates Barrack Obama Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke Helmut Kohl Manuel Barroso
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 03:16:22 +0000

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