Every test we have been able to perform has proven Einstein - TopicsExpress


Every test we have been able to perform has proven Einstein correct. It astounds me the number of people today who still refute theories like Einsteins relativity and Darwins evolution. They dont even understand the definition of a science theory. Maybe we should have simply called it an explanation of facts since thats exactly what it is. People fail to understand how science knowledge is cumulative. Religious people especially are under some false impression that older science ideas were somehow proven wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Euclidean geometry is still valid, but only up to a point. The same is true for Newtonian physics which is superseded and extended by Einsteins theories, just like Einsteins theories are superseded in the explanation of the physics of the subatomic level with quantum physics and string theory. My interests led me to cover all of those sciences with degrees in astrophysics, particle physics and biology. I dont know how many times I have had to attempt to educate people on those subjects. Its a travesty in an age when everyone has access to many times the knowledge that was stored in the library of Alexandria by use of an electronic device that was made possible by the predictive capabilities of the very science they attempt to refute.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:08:51 +0000

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