Every year it is a special day in our little family. 16 years ago - TopicsExpress


Every year it is a special day in our little family. 16 years ago today Louis Niles II & I were married in front of 175 our of our closest family and loving friends. And to this day there is no other film footage more important to me. It is the most precious gift we could leave behind for our only son. It holds the essence and faces of a moment in time and the best decision either one us has ever made. That magical day at the Adamson House in Malibu was unforgettable. There was a double rainbow, the ocean, the warmth of the Santa Anas, vows under a 100 year old oak tree, a circle of trust, glass blown goblets from Jahnny Rise, photos from sisto Tovia Anderson, decor help from Charissa Niles Ole Rise. Almost anyone we have ever loved was standing tall with us that day. My Godfather/cousin John Giaquinta & Debbie, mc Jason Riggs stepped up, Lauren Williams flower girl, Sequoia Justice Anderson ring walker, Keith Mitchell best man, Joe Rinaldi Jahnny Niles Rise handsome groomsmen, Candy Simon, Gina Brullo,Linda WilliamsLaura Brullo, and sweet sharon smith were my ladies in waiting. Mamasita Linda S. Niles sang Ava Maria and Laura Hill read my favorite verse. so many loving faces Ben Byerlee Teddy Williams Mitchell Parkinson Wes Grant Brian Strong Leslie Parkinson Peter Torres Bree Grant Bode Mitch Vinas Robert OQuinn Scott Riggs ... so much love given just for us so Lou and I could start our new lives together in confidence and style. and the highlight i will forever see in mind as we grow old will be of my beautiful husband and I facing each other, staring into each others eyes as we wait for the music to begin for our first dance of the evening. As the music began, and after a few handful of failed lessons, my majestic leading man led me around a dance floor next to the raging ocean as we tangoed and laughed of joy. Oh the humor. It is what life is made of and why we have been trying to keep up with those moves & each other ever since. So tonight we will go out to a romantic dinner to remember. And our son August will be with us of course. Making us a perfect circle. Dips and all.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 16:54:38 +0000

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