Everyone is asking what is going to happen next? Everything is - TopicsExpress


Everyone is asking what is going to happen next? Everything is going as the Bible says it will…& here is what the Bible say’s is going to happen next: 1. “The catching away/rapture” of the church (God has not appointed His children unto wrath)…All believers, short, fat, skinny, tall, medium and small believers will vanish from this earth, and be caught up with Christ into heaven where we will be forever with the Lord and receive our new, perfect eternal bodies and be untied with all our loved ones past and present…This time will also begin the celebration of “The wedding Supper of the Lamb”…a 7 year long party and banquet, the celebration of the coming together of believers of all generations…I strongly suggest you make your reservations, by simply opening your heart to Jesus and acknowledge He has paid the price for the forgiveness of all your sins, when He gave His sinless lifeblood on the cross, and arose from the grave guaranteeing us eternal life and heaven as our home…The church is taken out of this earth because we are the only thing keeping the anti-Christ from rising up...and again, God has not appointed His people unto wrath... 2. Simultaneously with the catching away/rapture of the church into heaven, we will have the rising up of the anti-christ (false messiah that Jews & muslims are looking for) amidst the world chaos, and this will be the beginning of the tribulation, a 7 year period that the first 3.5 years will be mild in comparison to the last 3.5 years which will be hell on earth, with plagues, wars, famines, devastated ecology in land and sea, evil from mankind against one another as never witnessed before, and literal insects from hell…During this time the anti-christ and false prophet will perform false signs and wonders and bring a false peace with muslim nations and Israel, as well as create the “mark” of the beast which is the sign of Islam, a mark that all who wish to buy or sell will be required to have…and all who refuse to worship the “beast” will be beheaded (sound familiar?)…The world will be in a terrible state of massive volcanic eruptions such as the one in Yellowstone (when it goes all the continent of North America is gone…meaning Canada and all the USA), and earthquakes that will move every mountain and Island, precipitating giant tsunamis affecting every Island…The sun, moon and stars will be darkened out and the whole earth will be covered in darkness, and life will become so miserable that all mankind that is still here will cry out to God to kill them…All nations will gather against Israel to destroy her, blaming her for the wrath of God (people will be deceived by satan then just as they are NOW!), and this will be the battle of Armageddon…and second coming of Christ…as He will fight for Israel Himself and destroy all the worlds armies gathered against her and the blood in that valley will flow as deep as a horses bridle… 3. At the end of time of the tribulation, will be the return, second coming of Christ with all believers riding back on white horses and this will be the battle of Armageddon… 4. Jesus’ second coming as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, will begin the time of the millennial reign of Jesus here on earth, and we as believers will be given a area to reign over during this time…Satan will be bound with chains by Michael the arch angel and cast into the bottomless pit, where he will remain during the entire millennial reign…The purpose of the millennial reign is once again God’s mercy, so that people who survived the tribulation will be given opportunity once again to believe in Him as their savior…but sadly, just as today, I see people who witness miracles, signs and wonders, dreams, visions, and God speaking to their hearts, that just as today people harden their hearts against God and reject Jesus as the Christ and go their own way (there are NOT many ways to salvation! There is only one way to receive forgiveness of all your sins, and that my friend is through a personal confession of faith in Jesus and His lifeblood shed on the cross for all your sins, acknowledging Jesus paid the price for your forgiveness of all sins), that there will be people at the end of the millennial reign who will be deceived by satan, and will even gather again to war against Jesus in Jerusalem, and once again they will be utterly destroyed…and immediately following this, satan and every fallen angel and demon will be cast into the deepest pit of hell and never loosed… 5. At this time God will create a new heaven and earth, and imperfection will be covered with perfection…and heaven will be on earth…and all believers will begin the next level of life as a child of God…If I were to try to describe heaven to you, it would be like trying to describe Hawaii to a Eskimo who has never seen a palm tree or the flowers and beautiful majestic mountains and nature…We have so much to look forward to…for all eternity!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Amen!!! Folks don’t just take my word for it, but read the Bible for yourself, or just put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and savior and skip to the back of the book and read that because of Jesus, WE WIN!!! Jesus is Lord! Rev. Bill Lowder Bill Lowder Ministries 918-955-4074
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:55:02 +0000

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