Everyone should read this address to the UNGA by the Israeli - TopicsExpress


Everyone should read this address to the UNGA by the Israeli Ambassador. The reason is that todays debate is not about speaking for peace or speaking for the Palestinian people - it is about speaking against Israel. It is nothing but a hate and bashing festival against Israel. The ambassador rightly points out the hypocrisy of the member states of the UN. I am for a two state solution but only with a strong and protected Israel. Why is it that nobody addresses that the PA is in league with a known terrorist organization? That the Palestine schools teach hatred against the Jews? That many Palestine people danced and celebrated at the terrorist acts carried out in the last month killing innocent people? Would the Palestinian nation allow Jews to be members of Parliament or Judges, like the free democratic state of Israel? And if the UN feels for the Palestinian people or other Arabs, why do they not have resolutions that condemn how Arabs are treated in their own countries? Israeli Arabs are Doctors, Judges, Members of Parliament (The Knesset). The ambassador goes on to mention that when the Palestinian government talks about the displaced Palestinians nobody mentions the roughly 850 k displaced Jews from Arab occupied lands. By allowing resolutions that unilaterally declare Palestine a state, takes away any incentive for Peace. I have always held the premise that most (not all) Palestinians want Peace but have been lead astray by corrupt leaders, who would have no power in a peaceful existence. I say this as a person that believes that most people just want to live their lives and provide for their families. War goes against that. Why unless you are a masochist would you take a pummeling from a stronger nation by inciting violence against that stronger nation? I dont know if it is the constant brain-washing, or mob mentality that fuels the hatred, but I will leave that to the sociologists and social psychologists. What is important here is that the message the Ambassador is giving to the UNGA is that by your actions, rewarding bad actions will hinder the peace process. When President Abbas says that he is for peace and against the Terrorist acts and yet forms an alliance with Hamas or attacks Israel out of one side of his mouth, well actions speak louder than words. One last thought, many nations are attacking ISIS because they are scared. Some of these nations that treat women as second class citizens, or behead their citizens for picking their own religion, they have much in common with ISIS. Just recently the President of Turkey a Muslim secular country announced that woman are second class citizens that their main and only function is to be mothers. So please share this in the interest of Peace and write to the General Secretary of the UN and to your politicians. In the name of Peace. Stand up for Peace.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 08:13:31 +0000

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