Exposing creationists and their intelligent design (ID) - TopicsExpress


Exposing creationists and their intelligent design (ID) department. Almost everything that creationists and ID hucksters do, is attack Real Sciences with lies. All the leaders of their fraud movements, know the truth about Science but deliberately lie about it. They are successful because most of their followers are Scientifically illiterate by design, because of their religious brainwashing and church-owned private miseducation institutions. The creationists and ID movements always claim to be separate and different. Both movements almost never discuss their own claims, other than fraudulently attacking facts of Science. Creationists and intelligent designers have the exact same hypothesis. Yes, hypothesis. It is not Scientific, even though both movements claim to be Sciences. Their hypothesis is nowhere near a Scientific Theory. Their hypothesis is from the bible and it is called Genesis. It has never been tested and no tests can be performed using their hypothesis. Genesis is a completely unproven, unsubstantiated, and untested religious claim, written by anonymous jews, anywhere between 1400 BCE and 70 CE. The section that contains the creation claim is 56 verses long and fits on 2 pages of paper. It contains no research and no evidence. It was not developed using any Scientific Method, process or peer-review. It boils down to some anonymous guy made a religious claim. Nobody really knows when, why, how or even who made-up the Genesis story. It is completely unscientific and naturally impossible. Genesis defies common sense, logic, reason, rationality and reality. The dubious Genesis religious claim is Scientifically illiterate. Almost half the World still believes the nonsense of Genesis over the Big Bang Scientific Theory, the Scientific Hypothesis of Abiogenesis and the Scientific Theory of Evolution. Over 3 billion people believe a 2 page spurious, Bronze-Age, sheep-herding fairy-tale, that looks like it was written by a 9 year old child. These religious followers have faith in the intellectually-bankrupt Genesis, over millions of tediously documented scientific pages of data, research, testing, observation, evidence and experiments, that have been peer-reviewed and confirmed by millions of scientists all over the world. The fraudster creationist intelligent designers, believe that if they just offer their uneducated followers enough simple lies about complex Scientific Theories, their Genesis joke will win over all the knowledge and facts of Science. Read the fictional Genesis story and then compare it to the opposing Science: biblegateway/passage/?search=genesis+1-2 Become An Evolution Expert! tmblr.co/ZTwOHx7c1MZi The Complete Human Evolution Evidence Database tmblr.co/ZTwOHxRk-xe2 2014 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey with Neil deGrasse Tyson & 1980 Cosmos: A Personal Voyage with Carl Sagan tmblr.co/ZTwOHx1ITqrnm The history of The Big Bang Scientific Theory (BBST). Who contributed to the Scientific Theory that we have today? tmblr.co/ZTwOHxQ13BWn The Big Bang Scientific Theory tmblr.co/ZTwOHxPpGsIp rationalwiki.org/wiki/Abiogenesis talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/ Come like our Science Page: The Science Nexus Of Human Cognitive Evolution & The Extinction Of Religion https://facebook/SciencesRefutingReligions
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:25:43 +0000

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